Finally Legard been given the push!!

For 2 years i have been cringing everytime jonathan legard opened his mouth while commentating! I was always correcting him myself everytime he made a mistake, followed by brundle!
His commentating for me was absolutly shambolic!!!
Our commentating crew jack and the others would of been much prefered by me in all honesty!

So the bbc has seen the light and sacked him! Giving his job to brundle as lead commentator, david crashard has brundles old job, for me thats a much better pairing as they both know what there talking about!.
Im sure legard was a horse racing commentator?!!! With phrases like "so here we go then... Button comes around the corner... Will he be fastest."

Anyways im glad he has been given the size 9!:)

And bbc is finally in hd this year too!!! Woohoo
Whilst its good to hear that Legard has been dropped, I don't think it was right to replace him with Coulthard. Firstly, this means that Brundle is now the lead commentator which I don't think he will do as well as he done the co-commentary. It's a whole new set of skills he will need to learn to properly introduce the quali/race, he is also the person who has to keep the commentary going when there isn't a lot of action going on on-track. He was great at chipping in with insights and analysis and keeping his eye on other areas whilst the lead commentator does his bit. Also, as he now leads the commentary team, he will have less time for his grid-walks unless someone else does it, then it just won't be the same. As for Coulthard, well he may do the job well and he will certainly get along well with Brundle, but that leaves Eddie Jordan on his own with Jake. Having two pundits allowed the BBC to spread themselves out a bit and send one to one garage and one with the presenter to the other, plus Eddie was always good at finding people and getting them to do an interview, which he will struggle to do now that he has to be with Jake whilst they are on air, else Jake will be talking to the camera and that will get boring.

I hope I'm wrong but I can see this being a bad move for the BBC.
I agree with Adam, 2 amateur commentators are not the way forward IMO. BBC need someone to lead who's main profession is to be a racing commentator. The guy off 5 Live who did the races on Radio last year was amazing!! He should definitely become main commentator IMO as he knows what he's doing and knows what to say. Having a former pro is good to give their point of view, but having 2 will spoil it.
Second the thought that BBC have made one step forward and 2 steps back.
Aye, Couthard shouldn't be commentating, i'm trying to imagine what he would say, and it's not good. Hey why not, X-Factor, Commentry Edition!

I actually think Jeremy Clarkson would be a better choice!
Aye, Couthard shouldn't be commentating, i'm trying to imagine what he would say, and it's not good. Hey why not, X-Factor, Commentry Edition!

I actually think Jeremy Clarkson would be a better choice!

Clarkson would be great, but for the hardcore fan... not the ideal choice.

For me it would be the Five Live guy as I said before, other choices include: Ben Watson (Former A1GP commentator as does Superleague Formula I think), Return of Murray Walker (everyone's ideal) or someone completely new to freshen it up... Some guys here at RD perhaps (Jack Nicholls, Eckhart von Glan, Ryan Callan, Simon Smith) :D
If you make David Croft the lead commentator, you almost certainly have to make Anthony Davidson the Co-Commentator because those two have gelled so well together. Murray retired and should stay retired in my opinion (even if he was/is the best commentator ever from any sport, TV/Radio Programme). That leaves Ben Edwards (out of the realistic ones) and he is probably the best there is around at the moment.
Davison should be number two, next to Jake and eddie. Agree with the above. Martin was great as number two to the Main commentator and even though he may end up being great at it himself, he'll have a whole new workload to deal with so let's hope it doesn't compromise his best strengths.
The thing is, Murray knew when to get excited and always provided great entertainment. Legard just drones on, and James Allen did get excited, but usually when Hamilton was on screen going around on an outlap or something.
I think Croft/Davidson combo would work for me... i watched the races with the 5 live commentary on anyway, as legard was so boring. Will prob do the same again.

They got the message with Legard, just Eddie Jordan to go and I'll be happy. When he comes on and opens his mouth I want to throw the TV out the window. DC was the balance for EJ, and if he's gone then it will be horrid with just Jordan there.

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