F1 2015 Modding Questions Thread

All files in F1 2015 are erp files. This is like a zip file that contains files in similar formats to all other f1 titles. So there may well be a .bin database in there somewhere. It's just hidden in a erp file.
You can open .material files with Notepad, but...
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×#? eaid://shader_package/vehicle_paint/vehicle_paint.nefx2 me_carbonEffect me_carbonWidth me_chrome me_envmapBlendIntensity me_lacquerIor me_lacquerRoughness me_logoIor me_logoRoughness me_metallicOverdrive me_nightSpecularIntensity me_noiseLevel me_normalTile me_uOffset me_vOffset me_damageMap me_damage me_diffuseMap me_diffuse me_logoMap me_logo me_normalMap me_normal me_surfaceMap me_surface eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/shared/generics/textures/carbon_damage.tga eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/shared/generics/textures/carbon_damage.tga.sampler eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/teams/force_india/textures/force_india_paint.tga eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/teams/force_india/textures/force_india_paint.tga.sampler eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/teams/force_india/textures/force_india_decal.tga eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/teams/force_india/textures/force_india_decal.tga.sampler eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/shared/generics/textures/cf_pattern_1_n.tga eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/shared/generics/textures/cf_pattern_1_n.tga.sampler eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/teams/force_india/textures/force_india_sfc.tga eaid://f1_2015_vehicle_package/teams/force_india/textures/force_india_sfc.tga.sampler
And tga files are also corrupt in GIMP and paint.NET
To edit erp files use http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/quickbms.zip with this script http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/bms/others/f12015_erp.bms

You use reimport.bat to recompile them but I can't get it too recompile. The guy where I got this from (http://sethioz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=2222) said something about the new files needing to be smaller or the same size but I don't understand. All I want is an increased chance of Dynamic rain!! so if anyone can get that to work I would be very greatful
With Quick BMS you can't have files bigger than the original file even by one byte or it will overwrite the whole archive.

And when I used it to unpack ".nef" files from F1 2013/2014 on the Xbox 360, if I altered "ai" files even though they were the same size the game somehow knows and will crash during loading, also I couldn't inject the database.bin back in as Quick BMS can't handle "memory files" so I wouldn't get too carried away as I am sure that CM has used an even better file checking routine on F1 2015.
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Pff, the tool is at fault, that's all. Check the original file and unpack it, use that tool to put all the original parts as an original file together again and you'll notice the big difference in how it is compiled and how the header changed etc.
Pff, the tool is at fault, that's all. Check the original file and unpack it, use that tool to put all the original parts as an original file together again and you'll notice the big difference in how it is compiled and how the header changed etc.

QuickBMS extracts all the files but when you reinject them it just overwrites the files you specify so it really doesn't change anything IMHO.

I could modify the tracks/difficulties/ai_track_difficulties files fine but not the files in the "ai" or "championsmode" folder. I can extract and reinject unedited files from these folders and the game runs fine, but if I edit them even with a Hex editor the game will crash.

There is also a folder called "anti-cheat", that contains a file with:

"params enabled = true
resetDelay 0.000000
aiDriveTime 1.000000"

This file is not present that I can see in the PC versions.
GTA's fanbase X^10 > F1 CM game's fanbase
People with C/C#/C++ knowledge in GTA's fanbase X^3 > F1 CM game's fanbase

Now make a guess. It shouldn't be that hard ... sure, learn C# and create some tools for modding if you think so.

Noone would mod GTA V without ONE (team?) creator of OpenIV tool. Here we had Ryder do that job the last years, now everything else is different and he's got no time.
This same game engine will be used in future F1 games, so we will get the tools some day when some smart coder wants to put his time to investigate and make them. He would be a true hero here :3