F1 2014 F1 2014 Torrent

F1 2014 The Game (Codemasters)
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So who on here has torrented this game instead of paying £30/$40 for it? Glad I decided to as it definitely isn't worth the money. It literally is a DLC lol. However, for those that hate people that torrent games, I will be buying the new gen release as I believe this will be worth my money. (maybe)
Uhm... are you stupid mate?
This is a public forum, everyone can watch it.
Downloading a game which costs money, is illegal, and you can't post illegal things on public forums.

But i agree with you, the game isn't worth the money, but the new handling is quite fun.
If only the AI could give me a challenge, it would be worth something. It's so sad, to be so good *flexing muscles*....
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