I'm guessing you may want to add a 5th option to this code, and then set the displayOption value to 5
displayOption = 4
if displayOption == 1:
#compact with no rotating of the tires
appHeight = 65
appWidth = 55
tyreWidth = 20
tyreHeight = 25
upperDistance = 5
distanceFromLeft = 5
#the next two lines control how far apart to draw the boxes for each wheel
distanceWidth = -15 #600 is default | use small or negative values to bring the boxes closer together
distanceHeight = -20 #200 is default | -20 for Width and -30 for Height is doable
#these two lines keep the boxes from flying wildly around the screen during hard collisions
minAngle = 0.0
maxAngle = 0.0
elif displayOption == 2:
#very compact with no rotating of the tires
appHeight = 37
appWidth = 33
tyreWidth = 10
tyreHeight = 12
upperDistance = 5
distanceFromLeft = 5
#the next two lines control how far apart to draw the boxes for each wheel
distanceWidth = -8 #600 is default | use small or negative values to bring the boxes closer together
distanceHeight = -8 #200 is default | -20 for Width and -30 for Height is doable
#these two lines keep the boxes from flying wildly around the screen during hard collisions
minAngle = 0.0
maxAngle = 0.0
elif displayOption == 3:
#1920x1080 DSRx4.0 (Effectively 4K) normal layout
appHeight = 110
appWidth = 70
tyreWidth = 50
tyreHeight = 90
upperDistance = 10
distanceFromLeft = 10
#the next two lines control how far apart to draw the boxes for each wheel
distanceWidth = 1400 #600 is default | use small or negative values to bring the boxes closer together
distanceHeight = 500 #200 is default | -20 for Width and -30 for Height is doable
#these two lines keep the boxes from flying wildly around the screen during hard collisions
minAngle = -20.0
maxAngle = 20.0
elif displayOption == 4:
#2560x1080 wide separation
appHeight = 55
appWidth = 35
tyreWidth = 25
tyreHeight = 45
upperDistance = 5
distanceFromLeft = 5
#the next two lines control how far apart to draw the boxes for each wheel
distanceWidth = 1200 #600 is default | use small or negative values to bring the boxes closer together
distanceHeight = 450 #200 is default | -20 for Width and -30 for Height is doable
#these two lines keep the boxes from flying wildly around the screen during hard collisions
minAngle = -20.0
maxAngle = 20.0