FFF789 submitted a new resource:
DRM Revival group 5 cars "guide" for online racing - Division 1 cars only - not BOP suggestions, but advice for using what cars in an online race.
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DRM Revival group 5 cars "guide" for online racing - Division 1 cars only - not BOP suggestions, but advice for using what cars in an online race.
Hey all,
After couple of seasons racing these awesome cars and in the light of the latest DRM 1.3 update, I'd like to post my findings and some advice what cars you can use to have more fun racing, at least to my knowledge. I can clearly make a mistake, so feel free to jump in on discussion. This is NOT a BOP suggestion as I stated in the tagline, but rather wanted to share my opinion in order to have better experience online. A "guide" sort of.
I am not even sure if this can be shared...
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