If you sign up to sellfy and you have no limits whatsoever.
For people who are worried about the 5x download limit as a guest user on sellfy:
If you have a (free of cost) dropbox account, you can save downloads on the self page to your dropbox.
There are two advantages:
- no download limit of 5 downloads when saving to drop box
- saving from self to dropbox happens almost instantaneous and the download connection from dropbox to your computer is not only MUCH faster but it does also download incrementally without dropping a 1.7GB download after you waited for it for hours already on a slow connection
If you use sellfy regularly NOT using Dropbox is just illogical ;-)
Also: it's a shame that whenever a thread is created to introduce or share details about a great mod where the content creators ask for (in my opinion MUCH to low) a modest price for their hard work is quickly derailed into a socialism vs capitalism debate.
I bet the ones who cry the loudest that they want all their favorite stuff for free are the ones who rather not work for free.
It is only fair that people get paid for their work. Some people really seem to have no idea what some of the mod makers sacrifice in their private lives, their free time outside of their day job/-s, the time they cannot spend with family and friends just so they can finish a modding project they are going to share with the community.
When a group of a handful of people created a sim racing mod 20 years ago, they were able to create a set of tracks and a field of cars for a full season in less than a year and the mod was up to the standard of the original racing sim.
Look what it takes to create just a single car model (not even talking about physics, sounds, LODs, setup logic, collecting, editing and analyzing data, contacting race teams, car owners, engineers, …).
Apart from the very few non studio employed professionals (look at the latest RSS mods), how many people do you guys know who are even ABLE to produce a mod to the quality we EXPECT nowadays in the current generation simulators.
I find it extremely untactful, arrogant, selfish to have the tact calling out the people who have actually done the work and the people who have the means to support those hard workers and do so (see latest developments at RD supporting mod makers ).
I love what the current generation of mod makers are doing.
I love how they are willing and able to expand current racing sims with content and quality and I fully support them.
I am absolutely happy to pay the modest asking prices currently set for content I am interested in, in some cases I even bought content I knew from the beginning I will never ever use just as to support the content makers with one more sale.