AC DriveToSurvive@Monaco, Thursday 26th May 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event


Thou shall not pass!!!
Club Staff
Welcome to the RD Racing Club.

Finally Monaco!!!! The one we've all be waiting for. It doesn't need introduction but will this be as epic as in real life and as fun as the previous races in this championship?
Let's find out!!


If you didn't sign up for this all season championship, go here and post a request to enter.


Server information:
  • Practice Server: #04 (Available throughout the race week) Password: dunlop
  • Race server: S.GP Password: dunlop
  • 20:00 CEST, 19:00 BST (18:00 UTC) | 12 minutes - Official Practice
  • 20:15 CEST, 19:15 BST (18:15 UTC) | 12 minutes - Qualification
  • 20:30 CEST, 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) | 30 minutes - Race

Event details:
  • Cars: Ligier JS8 S1
  • Track: GPK Monaco, Monaco
  • Pit stop: Mandatory
  • Tyre blankets: Yes
  • Track Temps: 22C air/33C track
  • Track Condition: Clear
  • Track grip: 96% increasing to 100% after about 10 minutes.
  • Damage: 10%
  • Further info on
All premium members can sign up for this event and slots are limited so make sure to tag a friend! This event will take place on the newly developed platform Simracing.GP and it's extremely easy to join!
Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers? Click here and here to learn how you can participate as well.

Useful Links:

As the track mod was just updated, I guess we stay on the previous version?
Yes as long as it's in the MODs tab on S.GP showing 1.1 we will.
But please check shortly before the event starts. I don't know if it will be updated to S.GP today.
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Guys, there's a new version (1.2) of this track released by the maker. At this moment it's not on S.GP yet so if it stays that way, we will be using version 1.1.
But if you have 1.1 installed and have checksum errors, it could mean that they've updated S.GP.
So keep a look at the MODs tab on S.GP, listen to what will be said on Discord about this and read the chat in AC for the same.
By spinning out and being curious how far the run off goes :roflmao:

If you take the run off on the left after the hairpin but before the turn onto the back straight (Portier?), go straight up, then make a u turn at the top and you'll see a new road that takes you down under the track for a good 10 seconds or so before it throws you back to the pits.
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What a race!!!
Fulvio was a bit quicker than me in qualy... I waited a bit for the grip to increase and then binned the flying lap with 97% grip instead of only 96% but happy with P2.
I asked my gf for a glass of water and she walked in when the lights came on... So I slipped the clutch a little bit and had to start from the pits with 15s gap to the last car :cry::poop:

Fun fact: the last time she brought me a glass of water, exactly the same thing happened... While I was cooking inside the pits with locked controls, she said she'll never bring me anything again :roflmao::whistling:

I drove my ass off when I got the controls back, fought fiercely, didn't change tyres, had a massive spin with Sander (sorry for that!) but was managing my absolutely dead tyres kinda well, slipping all over the place!
Then Fulvio had a coming together in the chicanes and I could slip through :barefoot::barefoot:

Had to stay at the limit to stay in front but managed to not screw up and took my second ever win!
First win was a bit lucky in an ACC clubrace in 2019, this one doesn't feel like luck :giggle::geek:

Thanks for hosting this for us Han, the car and gpk tracks are super fun imo!
And thanks everyone for racing! :)
I guess a little warmup would have been nice for me. Did ~20 min of practice last week and got a 1:14.3 or something. Then totally forgot the time today and was joining already a bit late into qualifying. Forgot to load the setup, so drove quali without correct pressures. But I guess that was for the better for everyone else.

In the race I simply could not control this thing. Was not used to it and with correct pressures it was different to quali as well. So at some point I let Robert (and Rasmus?) past to not crash them out as I did with my lockup in lap one blocking Robert who got then turned I think. Sorry about that, really just misjudged the brake pressure.

So it was fun, but I could have used an extra half an hour to get somewhat into it :D
What a race!!!
Fulvio was a bit quicker than me in qualy... I waited a bit for the grip to increase and then binned the flying lap with 97% grip instead of only 96% but happy with P2.
I asked my gf for a glass of water and she walked in when the lights came on... So I slipped the clutch a little bit and had to start from the pits with 15s gap to the last car :cry::poop:

Fun fact: the last time she brought me a glass of water, exactly the same thing happened... While I was cooking inside the pits with locked controls, she said she'll never bring me anything again :roflmao::whistling:

I drove my ass off when I got the controls back, fought fiercely, didn't change tyres, had a massive spin with Sander (sorry for that!) but was managing my absolutely dead tyres kinda well, slipping all over the place!
Then Fulvio had a coming together in the chicanes and I could slip through :barefoot::barefoot:

Had to stay at the limit to stay in front but managed to not screw up and took my second ever win!
First win was a bit lucky in an ACC clubrace in 2019, this one doesn't feel like luck :giggle::geek:

Thanks for hosting this for us Han, the car and gpk tracks are super fun imo!
And thanks everyone for racing! :)
Yes, well done Rasmus, we have all had a go at hanging on with the same set of tyres and it’s a real struggle with nothing left on the tyre app.
But it just goes to show that both strategies can work and really good how close the cars are at the finish.
When you disappeared at the start I had a clear run and got past Ernie going into Saints Devote but a lap later lost it going up the hill. Then Ernie did the same thing at the same place and from then on it was a pretty straight forward case of keeping it clean until the pit stop. But before then there was the ‘Rumble at the Rascasse’ when Fulvio rammed into the barrier and reversed across the track blocking the track. There was quite a bit of banging as the cars behind joined in but I managed to get away into the lead.
I changed rubber at the stop as it’s a horrible feeling trying to hang on as the laps count down and I saw Rasmus do a quick stop so it was interesting to see him and Fulvio just ahead and battling to keep the car upright. It was also interesting to see Fulvio at the Lowes hairpin as he seemed to be doing a handbrake turn to get the car to rotate.
Well done all for making this an event, thanks to Han for organising and i’m going to have a go at getting the skins loaded before Baku.
I have always said online racing is like life, at present I am having a **** life at home, and nothing is going right for me of late.
Only to have exactly the same in my "wee" sim world, what's more, I had the indignity of that Rotter Han mocking me when I visited the wall, at least Paul sounded sympathetic.

OIP (2).jpg

The only bit of good news was seeing the pace Rasmus had,:thumbsup: most impressed Rasmus, unfortunately, it did not lift me for long.:(
No worries Arne, these cars despite their tiny size are a hand full and this is monaco, cold tires and hairpins dont mix :geek:

Rest of the race was decent for me (minus a K turn one lap :rolleyes:) . A bit behind the pack and maybe if we ran the full 2 hours :D I could claw back the time, but wasn't happening with 30min today.

Congrats to the podiums and thanks for hosting this Han and everyone else for coming to drive. The 1hr total (12/12/30min) is a nice format for these cars and tracks :thumbsup:
Great race everyone! I was in a kind of train the whole race with Paul, Ernie and Hape (although he had to leave in the 2nd stint) while Fulvio and Rasmus were overtaken us all.
Lot of action and tension, especially with me and Ernie. I was slightly faster but I couldn't achieve an overtake attempt. I guess my gear setting were different because everyone had better exits from the slow turns.
Glad it was only half an hour on a track that requires full concentration.

Congrats to the podium and all of you for joining. In two weeks another city circuit with Baku. But fortunately that has a relaxing straight:coffee:.
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