Nice that you've made good progress, well done!
Some feedback (sorry I couldn't give this before, I didn't see when you released the video).
The track is much, much too wide in quite a few areas, most notably the back straight!
That straight was just a normal road, with corresponding width:
On yours unfortunately it is almost like an airfield runway! This really ruins that section as it makes it flat and you can basically straight-line it out where as in real life it was quite a challenging section.
In real life, the section down to the hairpin was reasonably wide (but still not runway wide) but this was an extension to the circuit and the rest of the back straight was normal width.
The section of from the start through redgate to the gate at the exit of hollywood is too wide too if you compare it to footage / photos.
Regarding the width of the rest of it, it looks reasonable from a casual inspection (i can't tell).
I would expect widths more akin to the GPL version:
(Sorry for the low quality video, it's all i could find on youtube - if you have gpl you can test it yourself to see for comparison).
From the videos i've seen, it looks like you are missing the gate house at Coppice.
Also, you seem to be using haybales everywhere but in the 30s they didn't really use haybales yet, instead they tended to favour sandbags, at least from a lot of footage of different races that i've seen, i've only seen sandbags, not haybales.
Anyway, it's really nice to see someone doing old circuits so please don't take this the wrong way - i'm just trying to help. Seriously take a look at the GPL version for pointers, it really is a decent version. Of course there is the footage / photos I linked you before too.
Thanks for your efforts!