DiRT Rally DiRT Rally Thrustmaster T500RS Settings

Oscar Hardwick

RDTCC S9 Champion
Dear people who think "Dirt Rally's force feedback and steering is rubbish"

Go to google and make sure you respective wheel is set up properly in the profiler.

Now set in game FFB
  • Vibration Strength 30%
  • Wheel Strength 100%
  • Wheel Weight 20%
Wheel Options
  • ALL DEADZONES TO ZERO (unless your brake pedal spikes)
  • Steering Linearity -1 (This is very much personal preferance. Smaller number = less immediate steering response. Larger number = more immediate steering response)
Run whatever rotation you want at your wheel. Seems the game limits it so 400 wont be 400 but for more points of input run a higher rotation. That is not yet tested so I am not 100% sure but it wont hurt to try.

I am running a T500RS at 400deg rotation. The above makes this game REALLY work and function.

The above settings should also apply to at minimum any Thrustmaster or Logitech wheel. I haven't tested outside of that but it covers most people.
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But by default, the fact you never saw it doesn't exclude the fact it probably did happen.

I mean these people think iRacing is realistic and models tyre wear, on that basis I'd go out and say it's entirely probable that people are giving out completely bogus ffb information.
I said "proper".

When was the last time you played iRacing ? Tyre wear is definitely a thing on most cars now. Tyre model is still wonky at times tho.

Anyway, that's not the point of this thread.

EDIT: >mfw I say "anyway" twice in the same sentence.
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For me the FFb seems to be behind by a fraction of a second, that together with the fact that the wheel movement in the game doesn't really represent my physical wheel kills some of the emersion.
Oscar don't you feel like the wheel is too twichy at linearity -1? I can't seem to find a right value but with -1 I don't rotate the wheel more then 180 degrees
What rotation are you using in the profiler @Yuri

It seems the game will only utilize a percentage of that rotation even at 100% saturation. If you would usually use 400 in game set your profiler to 500 or so as a suggestion.

Also having spoken with others it seems that the thrustmaster wheels are generally getting better ffb effects from the game. With Logitech stuff suffering more in that department.
i have a t300 GTE, i just set all FFB to 100 and deadzones to 0 linerity 0 and saturation 100.

My CP is set at 540 and i left it. WIth the dash cam it doesnt bother it doesnt match or now.

Not sure what else you can do to improve limited options,. sure the devs will have to do the rest.
What rotation are you using in the profiler @Yuri

It seems the game will only utilize a percentage of that rotation even at 100% saturation. If you would usually use 400 in game set your profiler to 500 or so as a suggestion.

Also having spoken with others it seems that the thrustmaster wheels are generally getting better ffb effects from the game. With Logitech stuff suffering more in that department.
got the clubsport so I'm adjusting it at the go, I felt 450 was decent at -4 but it's not close to what I'd like to see on it.
These are my settings for G27 :

  • Vibration Strength 100%
  • Wheel Strength 50%
  • Wheel Weight 10%
  • Rotation in profiler 360
With these i get somewhat similar feeling as RBR. The shiny moments are on big jumps and cutting road. If i drive on the middle ffb is pretty much dead.
But with this setup i get an enjoyable experience.
These are my settings for G27 :

  • Vibration Strength 100%
  • Wheel Strength 50%
  • Wheel Weight 10%
  • Rotation in profiler 360
With these i get somewhat similar feeling as RBR. The shiny moments are on big jumps and cutting road. If i drive on the middle ffb is pretty much dead.
But with this setup i get an enjoyable experience.
These are exactly the settings I have [except wheel rotation] but the FFB doesn't give enough info when the rear grip is lost. if they fix it, it will be amazing.
want a heavier wheel...try this

im looking into the dead centre feel atm..im on a t300 gte

my recommended FFB settings


Go into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally\forcefeedback

open effectsetup.xml in word pad.
alter following values.

<FFBRevs device="wheel" scale="0.1" thresholdLow="0.1" thresholdHigh="2.0" freqLow="1" freqHigh="20.0" scaleLow="0.2" scaleHigh="0.95" length="0.1" sample="revEffect"/>

change pad to wheel.. im still looking into this to feel revs once off.

<FFBEffectSelfAligningTorque device="wheel" scale="1.5"/>


open devicesetup.xml in word pad.
alter following value.

<!-- Default Devices -->
<FFBDevice name="default" scaleForce="2.0" scaleFriction="1.0" baseFriction="5.0" maxFriction="10.0" nativeFriction="0" scaleEffects="1.0" delay="0.0"/>



Also 100 in game on all 3 settings
FFb FIXED !!!!!!

open effectsetup.xml in word pad.
alter following values. change pad to wheel sems cm forgot to change the values..
brilliant FFB RBR now can officially move over!!!

<ffbsuspension device="wheel" scale="2.0" thresholdlow="1.7" thresholdhigh="20.0" length="0.25" freq="10" sample="suspensionR1"/>
<ffbsuspension device="wheel" scale="0.045" thresholdlow="0.06" thresholdhigh="1.0" length="0.1" freq="5" sample="suspensionL1"/>
The Centering Spring in profiler has not been set above 0 for any decent Sim for years.
In Logitech or windows settings the default is usually Effects/Force at 100 the rest ie Spring, Damper and Centering Spring set at 0 even though Centering spring is ticked.

These settings have been in use for at least 10 years on good Sims.
<!-- Default Devices -->
<FFBDevice name="default" scaleForce="2.0" scaleFriction="1.0" baseFriction="5.0" maxFriction="10.0" nativeFriction="0" scaleEffects="1.0" delay="0.0"/>


Am I missing something with this send base friction listed by itself? I've done all these settings and the ones listed before...but my wheel is pulling extremely hard to the right and it's difficult to keep it centered. Any suggestions or something else I need to do?
Am guessing the Dirt rally has changed a bit since May,any recommended wheel settings since the latest builds?
The FFB is totally different from May, and the settings in game are very different too (new names, new options). FFB mod files are no longer needed, just tweaking the in game FFB menus.

I don't have the ability to check exactly what my settings are right now, but for the T500 try starting off by setting all the settings in the configuration screen to 60%. That should prevent clipping and give you are reasonable feel. (damping can be set to zero, since I expect you'll be running Thrustmaster drivers at 60/100/100/0/0 with damping and centering spring turned off anyway)
I assume that this same method could be a start for the TX or T300 aswell? ..only the values at 60 could be more like 70 or 75?

Thanks for the info.
Edit: I have played DiRT Rally with both my T500 and T300. This is what I've been using since they rebuilt the FFB in DiRT Rally. It doesn't clip, gives plenty of force when needed, and seems to work nicely.

Switching between the two I leave all settings below the same, just drop Self Aligning Torque down to 60% on the T500 as compared to 65% on the T300.

For the T300 I use 900 degrees of rotation, 75/100/100/0/0 for the gain settings.
For the T500 I use 900 degrees of rotation, 60/100/100/0/0 for the gain settings.

Advanced Wheel Options:
- All deadzones 0%
- Steering Linearity 0
- Accelerator/Brake saturation 100%
- Steering saturation 60% (this means 540 degrees on all cars)
- Soft lock disabled

Vibration and Feedback:
- Self Aligning Torque 65%
- Wheel and Tyre Friction 0%
- Suspension 65%
- Tyre Slip 65%
- Collision 75%
- Soft Lock 100% (irrelevant since I don't use it)
- Steering Center Force 75%
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