really want this game, just don't think i can look past the lack of phisics...gutted please bigmoon can't you do something with the physics to give the cars more weight and bounce
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Thanks for all the videos you posted, it convinced me enough to buy it (and saved 5 bucks with this Steam Lunar new year sale thingy). It's definitely a lot more challenging (in a good way) than a lot of those rookie videos let on...The FFB is better than I thought it would be...It's not the best but it's good enough. Gotta work on understanding the road book because I definitely got lost a few times, but yea it seems like lots of fun so far
really want this game, just don't think i can look past the lack of phisics...gutted please bigmoon can't you do something with the physics to give the cars more weight and bounce
Get on over to Discord, we have a lot of good folk over there who can help you through the learning curve. Please do not discouraged if Stage 2 defeats you on Competitor a few times. In the real dakar 2018 something half the competitors failed to complete stage 2, in the game it is about the same. We will be there for you.
I actually spent some time last night running stage 1 several times so I could get a handle on the roadbook and eventually got 1st place...
Looking at bits of the twitch stream it didn't get me interested as it for sure looked very simplified. But after looking at the two videos linked by @Solyne it got me interested (who is not in dakar) so I went for it on the sale. For less than 30 euro and I can refund it within 2h if I get very disappointed.
Of course I expect the physics to be on an ok-ish level, believable so to say, but it will not need to be on "put your favorite sim here"-level as I'm not looking for another race simulator to drive "put you favorite race car here" as I already have a few options of doing that.
So, now I have 2h to get my DD wheel, buttons and pedals to work and try this out
Oh yeah Trebor, it is much different. You will find a large group of folks that play this regular on Discord, so if you need anything jump over there and say hi, and just ask.
Welcome to Dakar 18...