rF2 Caterham Academy @ Watkins Glen 75 *** CANCELLED***

rFactor 2 Racing Club event

Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™

Mod: Caterham v1.75 (Download)
Class: Academy class
Track: Watkins Glen 1975 (Download)
Day/Night: Day
Event start: 19.00 GMT

Practice: 30 mins (before first race only)

Qualification1: 7 min (unlimited laps)
Warmup1: 2 min (if required)
Race1: 25 min
Qualification2: 7 min (unlimited laps)
Warmup2: 2 min (if required)
Race2: 25 min

Note1: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Note2: Only driver 21 slots available
Note3: Caterham skin pack v1.01

Entry List
  1. Stuart Thomson
  2. Christen Struys
  3. Jack Smith
  4. Paul Jones
  5. Larry Mazazda
  6. Driver
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
I have a prior committment (organised weeks ago) so i can't make it, but definitely would've taken part.

This combo is a sure-fire hit, so any self-respecting sim-racer would be nuts to miss it...
Just a heads up from my end. I know numbers are low and the race may be cancelled. With that being said I'm having computer issues that began last night and I may not be able to return. Getting a BSOD. Trying different remedies. Also irratic behaviour from computer. Was practicing for race and game shut down. Restarted the game ok but it wouild not load the track anymore. gMotor Errors. Restarted the game again and it loaded the track but gave a mismatch error. I just reinstalled the track and will go from there.
Just a heads up from my end. I know numbers are low and the race may be cancelled. With that being said I'm having computer issues that began last night and I may not be able to return. Getting a BSOD. Trying different remedies. Also irratic behaviour from computer. Was practicing for race and game shut down. Restarted the game ok but it wouild not load the track anymore. gMotor Errors. Restarted the game again and it loaded the track but gave a mismatch error. I just reinstalled the track and will go from there.

Hope you get your problems sorted, I want this race to go ahead.. otherwise I'll be really p...... off.
Well, imagine how I feel.

We know how good the Cats are, and if Watkins can't get a decent crowd, I'm stumped

Sorry - but I'm scrubbing this one, and that closes the book on the Cats I'm afraid.
Sorry Paul but the game crashed again. Now it will not load. Got a BSOD and computer rebooted itself again. Called my computer guy and he has given me instructions to download and install updated drivers for my video card. The practice was fun while it lasted.

Ts won't start now either?
Sorry Paul but the game crashed again. Now it will not load. Got a BSOD and computer rebooted itself again. Called my computer guy and he has given me instructions to download and install updated drivers for my video card. The practice was fun while it lasted.

Aye, It was fun while it lasted. Hope you get your computer fixed soon Jack.
The Cats are fantastic and we had some fantastic races but as always all things good must go.

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