Hello Ben O'Bro
First time thank you for her super work.
I think the Dashcam is not so well done
I've fixed it if they want to use it
Thanks again, it makes a lot of fun
How it looks for me on 1920x1080px, 16:9:
I've downloaded the exact RD package yesterday to get the new models/paint etc. and have the same as others. It's a touch low but not as low as it shows for you. Even higher than with your fix. And yeah I'm double checking it is running from the ACD files, checksums verify all except the LHD shifting fix I already have.
The checksum on Gist. This should validate for you that all files are correct after unpacking. I use TC to do checksums, but there are probably many other programs that can do it.
How does the 718 RS Spyder look for you by default?
I made the cameras long ago and compared with RSR so they should have the same or similar positions under each "number" of the F6 etc.
There is not much space on Caterham on bottom of the dash so it should be cutting just above the bottom edge (with my 64deg view). There is no view angle in dashcam setup, maybe that's the difference? Seems it is comparing with your pictures, you're running 54 deg camera which will make both horizontal and vertical view smaller, you will have cut off dials even with the Spyder. I'll try checking it and add it on TODO to make it as close to the dash edge as possible but I believe it's your camera angle. Default is around 56? I'm using 64 and compared with other often similar cars as possible. You will probably cut off even the E30 DTM dials.
I can try maximize it but as all other cars the driver position and dashcam should be user editable with the app you've used. I have to edit 99% of Kunos cars because their driver positions are horrendous and looking into ground with big pitch angles etc. sitting glued to the wheel not in seat and so on. Just user edit it
I do not use any user edits on these for dashcam, I checked. Well I never use dashcam
Most my driver views are custom though.
I see, the dashcam is not adjustable when ACD is used? Someone tell Kunos...
Yeah the dashcam... can't even move it right now with the ingame apps, that's AC for ya, not even when I delete the dashcam file. Is it completely unmovable? Maybe I did set it by hand trial and error, oh I remember, I probably set it using a different camera and then just copied the values, yeah... buggy AC.
Even at maximum where the whole bottom of the dash is visible but no feet, you would still cut into the dials on their bottom but it should be usable. That should work fine for the default 56, and for me with 64 I don't care I don't use it
Anything lower and the feet will show, one is with bottom shadow of the dash one without:
The dashcam really should be user adjustable, someone slap Kunos so they add it finally. Even for devs it's still not adjustable via the apps... As you can see I have to use the driver view, back up driver position, save the new driver view, copy it to dashcam and restore original driver values. Dashcam is a "new" feature, well not new anymore but it's a "bolt on" feature added later and still not supported in any in game editor.
The exposure is fine on dashcam? I did tweak that last week when checking things.