Car Causing Lockup

Porsche 911 GT1, has worked fine in the past though haven't driven it in months. Testing at Spa67 today it caused the sim to lock up three times; all going well, no signs of any issues, suddenly a black screen with the HUD (XD mod) still there and the engine life showing 0%. Hit ESC and get the exit menu - Return To Garage causes CTD; Replay works but when done hangs the sim, requiring the three finger salute to exit. Trace file shows nothing amiss.

Tried again with private testing, same result. Tried again with different livery, same result. Watched AI run the car for several laps with no problems. Tried at a default track, Spa 2004, same problem. It doesn't happen at the same point on the track, nor after a certain time.

From the replays -

Spa 2004

But from the showroom

Have checked the .cas files and .car files, nothing amiss; all required .gtr files present.
without sharing it will be hard to find,
my suggestions are, remove all parts in CAS file, keep the wheels
and then add stuff until error occures
this may be a missing rather poisened texture
Normally such issues cause a CTD while the track is loading, and the trace file will contain info on the problem. This is the first time I've encountered a black screen lock up, and apparently this happens too quickly for the trace txt to register anything. And neither track position nor time on the track is consistent; the first time on Spa67 I was entering Burneville, the second time was at the end of Masta, the third time I had completed a lap and was starting the first timed lap.

I selected a different car (to see if the track were the problem) and noticed an AI in that Porsche, so went to the "TV" monitor and watched the AI running that car ... over three laps with no problems.
I'll have to search as I once had a same problem with a mod.
I had to search a rather long time to find the reason as without a trace file, everything needs to be checked.

I'll need a bit of luck to find which mod it was but already have an idea where to search first.
I believe this is the "Porsche 911 GT1 & Mercedes-Benz CLK-LM 1998 by GMT" mod, most files dated 2010-2012.
FWIW, I moved the entire 911GT1 folder to the desktop and reinstalled the mod, only edit was to class line in .car file so it would be in proper menu.

Had barely gotten on the track when the black screen hit, ESC-Replay and -

So it's nothing in my slightly tweaked install (many liveries, different tires, edited something in .aud file ...nothing that would account for such problems). Only difference in system since last time I recall using this mod is Win7 replacing Vista.
I still have the .rar in my archives but just noticed that the install is done with a .exe, what I always disliked for a mod file, surely the reason why I didn't reinstall it.
No time today but I'll have a look at it tomorrow in order to check how this exe is working and if it may be installed anywhere first before placing it in game and test.
Is there an important file in it which might have been deleted by an antivirus or such ? your problem is strange and the result too as the cars in replay lost their wheels.
Yes, install is a large exe file. I just install to a separate folder ("extract to 'zipfile name'") then move everything into place. Too many instances of hours wasted undoing "damage" by such installers in everything from FlightSim to Morrowind.

when looking at the screenshot, XD, the tyre temp are not ok

Also note engine life is 0%. Both occur the instant it goes to the black screen, a second before (last frame of image on screen) all is normal.
I installed it and tested it with all cars on track at VLM Le Mans 1979 ... a full lap done without any crash.
Driven by AI with 13 AI ( 14 cars of this base mod ).

I'm on Win10 - Sims on a apart SSD - GTR2 Steam Version - GTR233 10th Anniversary patch - using CrewChief GTR2 by The Iron Wolf[ enhancements but no other graphic mod used.

Should you miss a file ( maybe automaticlly erased by a Antivirus ? )
Just show the files tree of both cars so that I might compare to mines
If we don't find any differences .... the problem is somewhere else than a mod problem.
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Same number of files and folders, most my files seem to be dated +- 6 hours later.
The main difference is the fact that I kept the original install layout in Teams folder under GMT Mods/911GT1&CLK-LM_1998
Should there be a problem in your personal layout management causing a problem ?
Well .cas file paths are correct and I think that is all that's critical . The Mercedes CLK is from the same mod and it works fine.
No idea. When the car first loads it looks fine -

Sat in the pits for a couple of minutes, internal view, external view, panned around, no problems; left the pits, through Eau Rouge, to the top of the hill and -
No stuttering, no sound anomalies, just instant black screen; ALT+TAB out and check Task Manager, it shows GTR2 running, low CPU usage (around 20%), normal RAM (little over 500meg), back to game, hit ESC -
Apparently game was still running because Replay merely showed about 20sec of black screen; ALT+TAB again and nothing happens, must use three finger salute to get out. Check Task manager again and GTR2 now shown as "Not Responding", CPU usage now 50%.

So it seems once the car is on the track the wheels disappear, may be a few seconds, may be over a lap, and the game locks up.

FWIW, this is all the trace file shows, from the time the car is loaded -

"vehgfx.cpp 2587: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GT1\PORSCHE 911 GT1\ZAKSPEED\..\911GT1.CAS)
LensFlare.cp 55: Entered LensFlare::Init()
camera.cpp 4189: Entered CamMan::Init()
sound.cpp 728: Entered Sound::Init()
render.cpp 274: Entered Render::Init()
onscreen.cpp 3167: Entered OnScreen::Init()
AnimationLoa 40: Animations disabled
game.cpp 905: Entered Game::Restart()
sound.cpp 735: Entered Sound::Restart()
steward.cpp 4978: Entered Steward::Restart()
specialfx.cp 4186: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
hwinput.cpp 6595: Entered HWInput::Restart()
dynman.cpp 770: Entered DynMan::Restart()
driver.cpp 628: Race Ability: 4.389355 CorneringAdd: 1.305322
driver.cpp 897: Warning: No pit-spot assigned
driver.cpp 628: Race Ability: 5.987731 CorneringAdd: 0.506134
camera.cpp 4215: Entered CamMan::Restart()
render.cpp 290: Entered Render::Restart()
onscreen.cpp 3187: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
vidman.cpp 1423: Entered VidMan::Restart()
plrfile.cpp 3830: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()"
I'll try this evening to find the case I remember happening ... it looked the same +- as I don't remember it perfectly.
A car seemed to suddenly disappear ... not within the 1st minute but nearly always at +- the same place and just afterwards the game slowed and crashed.
Nothing in the trace file ( same as your own problem ).
I finally found the origin of the problem and could correct it. .... I think I wrote the problem explaining problem and solution somewhere at our modding Team forum but I need to search for it in the mass of all messages there.

Very busy for the moment here and there .... I'll try to find it in my late evening.

EDIT: I just had an idea of what might have happened as I remember correcting a problem of that kind: the path to where the car is placed was much too long .... modifying the folder names in order to make them shorter did the trick
GTR2 seems to have a limit in the length of a path. ( not in showroom IIRC but only on track ... your car or another AI car on track also created that problem ).
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Thanks for the input; no hurry, I have several projects underway. This is just such a weird problem, never encountered anything like it.

I don't think path length is an issue here

Nor would another car on track, the first thing I do in such cases is go to private testing so I'm the only car on track. (Had that once, took me forever to isolate the offending car.)

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