Cams for Safety car - ver 3
Ver 3 just uploaded plus some tips :
Just found out that floating vehicle in the race and broken vehicle view in pre-race scene can be avoided if only one car is changed to safety car.
This can be done by keeping the the original lowLOD.pssg file in the team folder and gen_low_main.pssg file in the livery_main/textures_low folder. e.g. for tr2, use the original tr2_lowLOD.pssg and tr2_gen_low_main.pssg files. If you just want to see safety car and not driving it, you could keep the team's highLOD files and just change the lowLOD files to those of the sc2.
If you don''t want to see the driver, just keep int_(team).pssg in the interiors folder. This is the steering wheel file so best to use file from mc2 or me2.
You can keep the original teams' ctf files or files from mc2 or me2 in the balanced and track folders instead of sc2's.
If you notice corrupted option tyre''s view, you can edit database.bin. Change the livery number for both drivers in the team to be the same in the f1drivers_f1teams table. e.g. for team 25, change both numbers to 830.
Attached finetuned camera files for use with the safety car. If you find no change in the view or corrupted views, you can delete Datacache folder in programdata/codemasters/formulaOne2012 folder when the program is not running. When the program is restarted, it will recreate the folder and refresh the view.
Make necessary backups before making any change. Hope you enjoy the drive.