Simvibe Multilayers
As you create multiple layers for a single effect, when that "effect" is called by the telemetry then all the Hz (tones generated) based on the settings you have (with the multi-layers) go to the "Output Mixer" for the channel and will combine into one collection of frequencies.
Of course you cant see this without monitoring the audio. To say this helps with such n such bumps and this layer for another type of bump is just your assumption/imagination. Once again (like the amplifier volume settings) you go your own path seeking to discover something rather than come more willing to discuss or learn with a joint effort what others already have learned or discovered. People have had 6 years with Simvibe, you will not likely find something magical in the slider settings values or adding a few layers that then makes it amazing working much better than it normally does. Hz used are key if taking onto account the tactile used yes but to apply different Hz in a layer to then say this layer is for "x" bumps and another layer is for "z" bumps isn't accurate in my view.
The telemetry values determine for each layer, based on the settings each layer has, which then generate the tones they do or how reactive they are based on sensitivity etc.
The more vertical based bumps you showed (sausage curbs etc) will likely have more reaction/response with "vertical" based effects than "suspension". Imola is a good exmaple of these curbs. Vertical surges may be more active, than some effects but this may vary with the sim.
I'm not sure what you mean by "will combine into one collection of frequencies". I assumed it's normal that it takes all the effects and through addition / substraction it will deliver combined signal from all the effects to the output from soundcard. How it should work correctly?
Anyway I don't have any monitoring equipment, so I'm using just my feeling. With SimVibe and bumps I start with biggest bumps - lowest sensitivity, lowest frequency output, highest gain. These handle really biggest bumps I can find on track. Then I go to medium bumps, low sensitivity, very low to low frequency output, medium gain. Then I go for small bumps, with high sensitivity, medium frequency output and small gain.
This might involve more layers than these 3 steps I outlined, but also something in between.
Then I do road surface - I use around 5 hz, constant feedback and low gain. It feels like the car is not completely static when moving, small fluid movements are always ongoing. And then some more noise in higher frequencies on low gain.
I add it layer by layer - testing single effect, and then test it how it all blends with other effects before adding another layer. I don't know how SimVibe mixes it and how it outputs it, but I feel it's blending all the bumps together and works really good for me. Maybe it's just my assumptions / imagination, I don't really care, it just works for me
Been thinking the last few days and its clear with this build and your own approach is very different. I am not interested in pursuing mixing SSW with Simvibe and it goes against my own testing and research I have already done.
You have more interest it seems in going your own path and doing your own thing. I dont see much focus or desire to get properly stuck into joint testing or development regards .wav creation or trusting in my own research in mixing SSW with Audio tactile.
I don't see where this is coming from. I have stated multiple times, I'm willing to put in time for testing SSW and wav files.
I don't really care what solution I will use in the end, I'm not a fan of either solution, I see flaws in both of them so
I want to get best from SimVibe and SSW and combine it together. If I find, that I can get everything I want from SSW, I will gladly stop using SimVibe as I it is hassle to run 3 soundcards for tactile. I told you, that I'm open to everything. I just recently finished the build and I'm starting with testing (still working on the rig), I was looking forward to test SSW with your new files, but I don't have them. I have couple of your files / effects from couple of months back, but I didn't see it worthwile to start some serious tests with them, as from your feedback, it seems you are closing to finish the effects you have been working on.
Just let me know how you imagine joint testing and I will be happy to put the time in. If you specify some test environment (sim, car, car setup, amp setup etc.), I will gladly follow it. If you don't have any special requirements for testing, I will try it best way I can do by myself.
On one side, you are saying people are not trying new things with tactile and now you are saying it's not worthwhile to work together when I have some other ideas. Maybe these are completely idiotic ideas
, I won't know until I try them myself. You have already tried something, but I have to see for myself. I guess you are writing this regarding with my mixing SimVibe with SSW and also my plans for building G-Seat.
I already told you, that g-forces in SimVibe feels nice, but I don't see any harm with me trying to build G-Seat and then see what's better, in the end, I don't care what will be better (I think it will be combination of both), but I won't find out unless I try.
Same thing with mixing the audio. I just finished the first more permanent build of the rig and I'm just starting to try it out. I definitely plan to try to mix the audio and see for myself how it works.
I should focus more on my own build and do with it what I want, than continue to share what has excited me or I see as the best way to go about tactile immersion and then potentially see others follow.
If you want to cooperate or share your work is up to you, I'm just saying I'm all for it. Let me know how you imagine we could work together.
I'm open for testing, feedback, my own file modifying and research around sound theory etc.
I don't see myself getting advanced monitoring hardware or building new files from scratch, as I don't think I can do anything better than you without investing couple of years of work
It's like everybody is on a different page here, doing their own thing rather than simply picking a sim, track, car and focusing on giving shared input with multiple tests or files. To collect feedback on how each feels or operates on the hardware and installation various people have. To get people to spend much time with testing effects seems a chore, or they expect/want test files to be like final files all working stupendously.
I don't see where you get this impression. I don't have the files, if I had, I would already be testing SSW with you recommended AC and GT3 cars or other environment settings you might have to get best feedback from testers.
MIxed Emotions
I do not think from what I looked at that 2 telemetry based tactile solutions is the best way forward. At this time, yes their may be some preferences to having "Simvibe Engines" and these possibly on their own EM channels operating with SSW in a configuration but I do not see improvements in control or the operation of the tactile by just mixing two telemetry sources and in the most basic way (soundcard slider controls) that you propose to do.
This means both SSW and Simvibe need ideal settings and its more hassle, more controls and quite frankly not in my view going to bring the best immersion. It bringing more potential problems than really finding a solution to just having excellent effects.
I don't see much difference between mixing the audio via knob on the mixer and in windows sound control panel besides It's much more hassle to go into the control panel than turn the knob, if there is more difference, let me know.
My plan is not to mess with the settings on 3 mixers when going from car to car, sim to sim, or track to track, as it's just messy to turn more knobs. I want to have the settings dialed in configs of SSW (files) and SimVibe profiles and soundcard volume control, that's all.
It's enough SSW doesn't have profile for sensitivity, gain effect settings etc., so you have to tweak 10 effects every time you change the car... If I imagine, I would additionally need to tweak another 3 mixer knobs, it's just no go for me, this is where I drew the line.
I have done first testing of mixing SimVibe and SSW (so far I have cables for front wheels, still waiting for MS8000 + rest of the cables) and it's working exactly as I imagined.
For front wheels, I have picked up Longitudal Decceleration, Wheel Slip, Lateral Acceleration and Game Specific bumps for Project Cars 2 - this picks up kerbs, grass, rough roads, which telemetry doesn't pick up so well. Now this mix feels really great, getting best from both software without problems that for example
@Hiro Abe mentioned above with regular bumps in SSW and piston pang.
Now I just cant wait for lateral acceleration on seat
Maybe this mix was not way for you, but it works for me so far - I'm working with what I have. I wasn't able to get as good road effects from SSW compared to SimVibe so far - I was trying some bumps, which I got from you couple of months back, but so far without success, but I'm still keeping my hopes up. I still have to dig in into SSW testing properly, so maybe I have something wrong in setup.
A Different Mix
Audio Tactile is a very different thing to telemetry based tactile. Be this bringing surface detail that has no telemetry output, additional high-frequency sensation with curbs, or engine characteristics from its audio/transmission, gears or exhaust.
It brings "stuff" that telemetry does not to the immersion but it also has some issues or drawbacks but these are far outweighed by what it can bring.
With the past experience and time, I spent testing or monitoring both. I can see and know what its pros/cons are. I have highlighted what I will do via ipad and specialist software. Something nobody is doing but from research, I see potential in what it offers to control the "Audio tactile". and then mix this with "telemetry based tactile" with sufficient hardware and the quality or controls they bring for all testing or general operation scenarios.
I will definitely want to try out audio mixing when I get to it.
However I don't see myself investing more money into tactile right now, as I don't have even proper display or PC, I'm running games on 1060 notebook right now...
So if I test it, it will be simple mix with possible software equalizer in Windows than some dedicated specialist hardware / software.