Instructions for builder:
BuildAr v1.0 --- Use to create file
Racer's archive builder.
To put up a threshold for relentless copying and usage of models/tracks,
this utility packs up a number of files into a single .ar file.
The compression format is not one of the generally available formats
(like Zip, Rar, LHA etc). Furthermore, no decoding can be done with this
utility, so that even if this program is leaked, you still can't access
the files within the .ar files.
Racer notes (07-12-01):
- v0.4.9 will only read car DOF files from the .ar file.
To use this feature, put all dof's and buildar.exe in an empty folder, build a ar.bat.txt file of your DOF files like:
buildar body.dof tire1.dof tire2.dof tire3.dof tire4.dof
Note that the "" filename is fixed and must be in the directory.
save and save as ar.bat, double click on ar.bat and put in car/track folder
After this, get rid of the actual .dof files, since they'll take precedence over any files in the archive.
- Track DOF packing is supported in the same way; name the .ar file "".
- Image reading will also be supported in the (not so near) future. nyi
- Same perhaps for .ini/.crv files.
Dolphinity/Ruud van Gaal, 7-12-01
To generate a dof list:
dir *.dof /B > doflist.txt