I know it's just a personal feeling but pretty please change the background. That Grey with noise isugly not looking so good. Either just use a pure white background or add a nice Sim-Racing picture or real life photo.
And the other thing I would like to tell my opinion is the menu where you can see Mark Forums Read, Search Forums and so on. When you hover it with your mouse you can see a blue rectangle which would look much better when it would have the same size as the blue bar. Like in the top navigation when you hover. See pictures.
I know it's just a personal feeling but pretty please change the background. That Grey with noise is
And the other thing I would like to tell my opinion is the menu where you can see Mark Forums Read, Search Forums and so on. When you hover it with your mouse you can see a blue rectangle which would look much better when it would have the same size as the blue bar. Like in the top navigation when you hover. See pictures.