Automobilista 2 Content Manager

Other Automobilista 2 Content Manager 0.3.0

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It happened after reinstalling my AMS2.
CM does not open.
Image attached

**Version**: 0.3.0+Branch.tags-v0.3.0.Sha.7058b9431a7b0943ef4d66a6be5de08292948c42
**OS**: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22031.0
Sequence contains more than one matching element
at AMS2CM.GUI.App.ThrowingModManager.FetchState() in D:\a\AMS2CM\AMS2CM\src\GUI\App.xaml.cs:line 72
at AMS2CM.GUI.MainWindow.SyncModListView() in D:\a\AMS2CM\AMS2CM\src\GUI\MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 74
at AMS2CM.GUI.MainWindow.Root_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in D:\a\AMS2CM\AMS2CM\src\GUI\MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 31
at WinRT._EventSource_global__Microsoft_UI_Xaml_RoutedEventHandler.EventState.<GetEventInvoke>b__1_0(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
at ABI.Microsoft.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventHandler.Do_Abi_Invoke(IntPtr thisPtr, IntPtr sender, IntPtr e)

Does anyone have any solution?
The CM version is the most current.


  • Contant.jpg
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Doesn't work windows 10. Can't drag and drop. No option to navigate to a desire mod manually. I am amaze that there not many more person having problem with this content manager.
Is there any way to avoid duplication. I created a simple mod with all the .trd files so that all the cars can be in a single class. In post-processing, the manager creates .trd files. The cars show duplicated in the selection screen and when using Custom AI files, there are duplicate entries in the grid.
Is there any way to avoid duplication. I created a simple mod with all the .trd files so that all the cars can be in a single class. In post-processing, the manager creates .trd files. The cars show duplicated in the selection screen and when using Custom AI files, there are duplicate entries in the grid.
I was able to avoid duplication by including an empty vehicle.lst file. But there are still duplicates in the grid.
Unable to install for some reason. i do not get a popup to install the desktop runtime program, so my ams2cm file is stuck as an "ico file" not an application. iv uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times to no avail. have also installed multiple different versions of the .net desktop runtime program and still nothing. i am just looking for some help with this, this is not a negative critique of the content manager. ////

okay so now, i am able to open the ".GUI" and apply my mods, is that it? like im good to go now? video i watched showed him opening the "ams2cm application" and it looked quite different.
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Doesn't work windows 10. Can't drag and drop. No option to navigate to a desire mod manually. I am amaze that there not many more person having problem with this content manager.
It works on Windows 10. Do you try to reinstall it or take any other steps to solve the problem on your own? It will be nice to know if you want someone to help you. 'It doesn't work' is somehow not much informative;)

BTW Majority of people never come back with solution and many same issues are discovered over and over again. It's not only a problem for users but also for developers.
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