I use this controller for 2 years now. Its the XBox Speed Wheel. Basically its a Xbox 360 controller, with no RB and LB buttons, and no sticks. You hold it in your hands like a airplane controller, and turn it left or right to control the car wheel.
Its incredibly precise, the minimum input you make reflects on wheel, with virtually no lag.
I've created a configuration file for it years ago, based on a xbox 360 profile Ive found on the web, and it still works flawlessly. I use the buttons for pit limiter, look left/right, change gears, pause, call pitstop... basically you can map whatever you want in it, together with the keyboard.
You get a level of precision you can't have with a default gamepad, with virtually no setup and maintainance a proper wheel requires. It's plug-and-play, windows 7, 8 and 10 already have its drivers.
But your arms can get tired in the beginning