Alt-tab back in the game is still problematic

Have had this on/off for years. Same hardware/win 7 throughout. Happens with every gpu driver.
Anything that can be done ? What's actually preventing the game from coming back up ?

The problem for me is in windowed mode you can't run vsync and
the game runs at unplayable fps when vsync OFF. Feels like 30-50 and fluctuating all over the place.
No idea what that is about. So, yeah, no windowed mode for me unfortunately with the
hardware i'm using atm.
Windowed mode is always vsynced on Windows 7+ (provided you don't have Aero disabled - which can really only be done on Win7, not on 8 or 10). It doesn't matter what you set in the game. It's actually the only way to run proper triple buffered vsync on Windows. Which is also why it's causing the microstutters - that's something triple buffered vsync can cause.

So running sims windowed is the worst option possible, really - you get the increased input lag of vsync with the added high possibility of microstuttering caused by triple buffering. And you often get worse performance in windowed mode. The only advantage is that you can Alt-Tab reliably, really.

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