Race Department only started a GTR2 section after nogripracing.com went defunct so other sites have more mods than here.
I wasn't even aware of a couple of these until recently and I wasn't aware of some for a number of years.
Thought it might be helpful to list all the ones I'm aware of:
European Endurance Center (EEC)
Sim Racing Mirror Zone (SRMZ)
Esport-Racing.de (Excellent selection)
Festbierbude.de (Excellent selection specializing in Power & Glory)
Koelschbierbude.de (Excellent selection)
Altbierbude.de (GT Legends - Superb selection)
All of these are worth registering with, in my opinion. And it turns out some mod authors only frequent some forums and not others.
I think by visiting each you'll have almost the complete library across all the sites of GTR2 cars, tracks, and mods available to you.
If I've missed any please leave a comment and I'll add it.
I wasn't even aware of a couple of these until recently and I wasn't aware of some for a number of years.
Thought it might be helpful to list all the ones I'm aware of:
European Endurance Center (EEC)
Sim Racing Mirror Zone (SRMZ)
Esport-Racing.de (Excellent selection)
Festbierbude.de (Excellent selection specializing in Power & Glory)
Koelschbierbude.de (Excellent selection)
Altbierbude.de (GT Legends - Superb selection)
All of these are worth registering with, in my opinion. And it turns out some mod authors only frequent some forums and not others.
I think by visiting each you'll have almost the complete library across all the sites of GTR2 cars, tracks, and mods available to you.
If I've missed any please leave a comment and I'll add it.
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