Just for grins, I did some searching on this but I came up empty for any specific info on how to make a talent file for your own personal AI when you have the computer take over your car.
If you haven’t already found them, the AI talent files are located in …\GameData\Talent\[SeriesName] . They are small, simple plain text files so they should be pretty easy to experiment with. IMO, the three specific questions to answer for creating your own personal AI talent file would be:
1) Where do you place the file?
2) What is the specific syntax for naming the file?
3) What is the specific syntax for the full name on the first line of the file?
The reasons for questions 2) and 3) are that the syntaxes may have to exactly match another value entered elsewhere in your player profile or game installation directory.
FWIW I disagree with Marco’s assessment that a talent file won’t matter. If…and it’s a big if… a talent file can indeed be associated with your own personal AI, then the “Speed=” entry in the talent file would seem to be exactly what’s needed for the desired outcome.