After 11 years still no explanation

Bram Hengeveld

Site Founder

Saw this one being shared on Facebook. Pretty good tagline though. After 11 years its time for a proper explanation why this building went down without being hit.
Dimitry Khalezov.
The very fact that he´s been missing since May should make people think.

Let me also refresh the non-believers on what Bin Laden said the day after the attacks...

"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation."

Then in 2011, 10 years later we get shitty lie about US Soldiers recovering a tape from a destroyed house in Afghanistan

then all of a sudden videos of Bin Laden starts to appear, especially one just before the 2004 elections....

It´s all a game, a farce. It´s war for resources, how many times do people have to be lied to in order to understand it´s all one big game with no enemy?

Operation Northwoods is an example of how little your very own military cares about you.

this guy wanted to stage false-flag terror attacks on US soil, kill US civilians, hijack fake planes and dress up as Cubans....just so they could take over Cuba and establish a new government, just like Iraq.

this guy is supposed to protect your nation, not kill it.... Thank god for JFK...which of course got assassinated.

A good guy that JFK. And we had a moron called W Bush, how many tried to kill him?
None because he plaid the cards he was dealt and acted as a puppet.


doesn´t it all sounds VERY familiar?
...That because of this event hundreds of innocent people died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm not defending this wretched event, and am honestly and extremely sorrowful for the innocents died at 9/11. But instead of the punishment of real culprits, more innocents were killed afterwards :( Wish this never happened. And i hope will not happen again in future!

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