EA Sports WRC 4070 Consistent 90 FPS

I typed up my settings for VR in response to a comment on reddit last night, and had someone say they helped them out a lot so I figured I will copy and paste my response in a full post since a lot of people appear to be having subpar experiences with the VR Beta.

I despise EA and what theyve done to multiple games in recent years is a perfect example of one the biggest problems with AAA developers. BUT, that doesnt mean im not able to give them credit where due. Im using a quest 2 on a 4070 with a Ryzen 5 5700 and 64 gb of ram. I just finished a two hour session of consistent 90 FPS as well as amazing, plenty clear enough and shockingly good graphics. Obviously there are some sacrifices that need to be made.. but nonetheless it still looks great for a VR Beta.

For the sake of showing good faith that I'm not just another meat-riding fan boy, these are the settings that I'm running and if your rig is similar to mine, or better then try them out then come back here and if you don't lack the ability to give an unbiased, hate fueled opinion you'll be thanking me. Go into NVIDIA control panel and change the click on 'Adjust image settings with preview', Change it to 'Use the advanced 3D image settings'. Click apply in the bottom right hand corner. Then 'Manage 3D settings' in the top left and change the following.


Low Latency Mode: Ultra

Power Management Mode: Prefer maximum performance

Texture filtering-Quality: High performance

Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames: 3

Then hit apply in bottom right. Close out of NVIDIA control panel. Open Meta Oculus app and click on device on left hand side. Click on the image of the Oculus Quest to pull up the settings tab. Click on Graphics Preferences at bottom. Change refresh rate to 90Hz and move the Render Resolution slider all the way to the right so it says '5408 x 2752 1.7x'. Hit OK and then restart the app when it says so. Before reconnecting to link now open up the 'Oculus Debug Tool'. If you don't know where that is then do a google search, I'm typing this all out even though I'm consistently asking myself why haven't i just exited out of this window yet so i think its only fair you give a little energy towards this also. Change the following things.

(PC) Asynchronous Spacewarp: Disabled

Distortion Curvature: Low

Encode Resolution Width: 3500

Encode Bitrate (Mbps): 400

Now go to service at the top and click 'Start Oculus Service' then connect the headset to the PC using a USB 3.0 Cable only. Make sure to have the active runtime set to OpenXR in the Meta Oculus settings and disable the 'OpenXR Tool Kit' completely. Start EA WRC and go to basic settings then change the following.

Antialiasing Quality: High

Vsync: Off

Anisotropic Filtering: 16x

Upscaler: DLSS

Upscaler Quality: Quality

Upscaler Sharpness: 100

Now go to Advanced Settings and change the preset to 'Ultra Low'. After doing that change only the following settings.

Ground Cover: High

Track: High

Textures: High

Motion Blur: Off

Thats it. Now start a rally up, Ive really only tried Monte Carlo, Finland, Chili, and Italy so start with some of those and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Ffs, i really just spent the last 30 minutes typing up this book report.. oh well, I hope it will help some of you people throwing temper tantrums in the comment sections.

*** I forgot to add, in EA WRC go to 'Virtual Reality settings' in settings. Changed the 'Foveated Rendering' to 1. Thats all.

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