does the rfactor 2 devs plan on adding jade edwards 2023 one motrsport car and daryl deleon, michael crees, robert huff, and james gornall's 2023 cupra leon's
Mid season changes is a interesting question for all simulations.
ISIMotor has a few unique issues.
This can be best shown by the BTCC 2022 Ford Valvoline skins which create duplicate car numbers.
If you just quick race you must make grid 2 extra cars so you can boot 2 skins every time you race.
If you have extra skins you get fantasy names mixed in and they change depending on race.
You boot both drivers can be in either Ford skin together or separate.
So that way you can end up with one fantasy name unless you keep reloading session till right drivers are in the right skins. lol
rfmod will not solve this issue either.
If you remove one duplicate # and pack the rfmod when you start rF2 both skins will still be there.
You either remove all duplicate cars numbers or none.
Only way to solve this would be if you could pack DLC into new mas .
Even if that was a solution they will take too much space for little changes.
So same problems exist for mid season changes because they will either almost always take the existing car # or the new driver # which are duplicated.
So then 2 mas becomes even more mas as you can't pack all seasons with all changes together
In meantime I think this may interest you.
RFMOD: BTCC 2019-2024 ( UPDATED rfmod download ) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] rfmod...