Love the pack, but have a question. Any particular reason you used the m3 from rss over the new m4 from URD, the car that will actually run in the series?
Also regarding the URD vs RSS debate. Not needed IMO. We should be happy with any serious mod team still creating mods for this nearly 10 year old sim. And RSS, VRC and URD are still the holly trinity. All their mods can be considered top of the line in all Sim racing. Sure some do something better than the others, but at the end of the day, you can buy or not buy. I love RSS attention to detail, but I surely would like them to expand their lineup into more tin tops. As they make remarkable mods all the way. That's why VRC and URD are also very much appreciated in my book.
And also maybe a little backstory on URD, not as an excuse, but an explanation. Their main developer is also the top developer for studio 397, and was very busy on developing for that sim. Was also subcontracted by Reiza for some Ams2 content. And therefore he got a little too much on his plate in past years. And being a business, its normal he concentrated on projects, he gets paid more. Obviously his schedule got a little more open lately, so could return to AC development.
He of course should not have promised something and then not deliver. It's bad business practise, cause you can potentially loose some customers (like
@Vipla_Dare for example), but this does not defer from the fact, that when he does release, his mods are up there with the best in business. If they are not on the level of RSS is mute point. Sales of his products will reflect that. But more competion is always good for us users. Cause competition usually drives all involved to do better. And we users can only profit from that.