I cannot understand this debate about team order at all. Team orders where part of the game in the past, they are now and they will in future. And I really do not understand why this is a problem. Even if you don't like it, accept it. Because it is not controllable (ok, in case Ferrari does it, it is :wink
. If the team is a bit smarter than Ferrari, there is no way to stop it. And it is no matter if they do it per radio, pit board or aggreement prior to the race, it will always be there.
In my opinion, they should remove this silly rule from the regularitions and allow it. Then the teams do not need to try hiding the order. The rumors around such a try are more damaging and unsportsmanlike than if everyone knows what's going on. In the old ages, there where some not understandable things going on, suddenly the one teammate overtook the other and that was called racing... THAT was cheating on the fans because they haven't been told most times! Now, it can be made transparent to all. Everyone does it, so why hide it at all costs? It is part of the team strategies. So allow it! Tell it to the fans like this time! If teams do not have to crypt it (or incompetently try it), it WILL be accepted! Why? Because it is transparent to every one, that it's part of the game. There is no need to like it (as usual, it's a matter of taste). But it will be way better than today.
What we have now is the real crap! We have a silly rule (it was implemeted after a very stupid action of Ferrari which indeed was cheating on the fans down in 2001 I think in Austria) and again it was Ferrari which was too stupid and did it too obvious. But for me, the fault was not that they did it all. Their fault was, that they did it with this rule in mind. There is a rule and, so stupid it is, it must be followed. Following the rules is also part of the game, breaking a rule, even a silly one, is not sportsmanlike.
Remove this rule and, like in the old days, it will regulate itself! If you remember (when you're old enough :wink
, there where team mates which were on good terms and some which where on bad terms. The ones which were good will do it maybe even without order. The others won't do it at all, like...hmmm...Prost and Senna. Let the team and the teammate decide the way they handle this and not stupid rules! Isn't it what we really want? Debating about racing situations, attitudes of teammembers, team decisions and so on! And not about such a crap like this, debating if and how a team has broken another stupid rule which nobody needs...
But for now, fining Ferrari for breaking the rule with $100.000 is...not enough. Even that I for one accept team order, I do not accept breaking rules. I would them have to loose the points for the team championship, too. But not the drivers points. They are just subordinates.
And I also have to say: How Ferrari and the drivers argumented after the race - it's typical Ferrari... ^^