
  1. A

    WRC10 Is there a way to share stickers from the Livery Editor?

    Hi. When I look at the designs of players using the Livery Editor in WRC10, I often see designs that are not included in the standard package, including the Red Bull design. I'd like to know if there are any sites that share sticker data, import/export methods, or recipes for making stickers...
  2. WRC 10 November update. Acropolis Rally + Richard Burns Subaru added. No mention of fix for its biggest bug.

    WRC 10 November update. Acropolis Rally + Richard Burns Subaru added. No mention of fix for its biggest bug.

    WRC10 November update adds some exciting content for offline and online modes for both PC and consoles. Unfortunately there is no mention of any fix for a bug which it seems most PC players suffer with. First off, if you haven't played the WRC games in the last couple of years you're missing...