
  1. Davide Nativo

    RD Community Voted – The Ugliest Car Ever Made

    We have a winner! The Fiat Multipla has won many titles and awards in its glory days. Often negative. Today, it adds another significative one to its belt. It becomes the “RD Community Voted - Ugliest Car Ever Made”, thanks to the astonishing 58.1% preference rate it got in the ‘Grand Finale’...
  2. Davide Nativo

    RD Summer Fun Contest – The Ugliest Car Ever Made, 'Grand Finale’

    Which one among these three is going to prevail in the last round of the contest? All good things come to an end, as Nelly Furtado used to sing. For the Grand Finale of our “RD Summer Fun Contest”, we decided to have a small twist running in order to provide a more exciting end to this event...
  3. Davide Nativo

    RD Summer Fun Contest – The Ugliest Car Ever Made, 'Final Eight'

    Which of these cars is actually the ugliest ever made? Vote in the poll Now! What can I say, the opening of the ‘RD Summer Fun Contest’ has been incredible! Many comments, many funny pictures (even a penis, which never hurts); it makes me eager to get on with the proper tournament! Deciding...
  4. Davide Nativo

    RD Summer Fun Contest – The Ugliest Car Ever Made

    Have you ever thought, seeing a car, that it is the ugliest possible car existing? Yes? Well then, prove it! It is hot! No, I am not talking about the current temperature, at least if you live in the northern hemisphere. I am talking about the ‘RD Summer Fun Contest’! What am I talking about...