
  1. mcoak

    Puma GTE #17 Burity 2019-06-02

    Puma GTE #17 Burity - Copa Classic B Drivers: Andre Burity / Lulu Geladeira Puma GTE # 17 Team A.F. of Adriano Fernades, piloted by André Burity and "Lulu Geladeira" in the years of 1968 to 1972. "Spartan" were what they called the standard cars, with a simple and lighter configuration...
  2. mcoak

    Puma GTE #48 Martins 1.1

    Puma GTE #48 Martins - Copa Classic B Drivers: 1969 a 1970 : Angi Munhoz / Freddy Giorgi 1970 a 1973 : Jose Martins This Puma was one of the pioneers in competitions between 1968/1972 and had several configurations and sponsors. His version was called "Spartan." that is, optimized for...
  3. mcoak

    Copa Classic FL Real Skins 2019-06-02

    Here are the real skins of the CopaClassicFL series The zipped folder is mounted in a way to be installed via Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME), so it can be installed and uninstalled without harming the original files. Just extract the download, and place the "AMS_Copa_Classic_FL_v1" folder inside...