I love the layout and flow of the first version Ahvenisto and it is my favorite test track. So I added to it 4 more options for loose surface physics and tuned up the AI hints to mitigate the bug of 17 % disadvantage when tires are all dirty. Now in race the human stands a chance to win against...
The .7z package contains a layout for "LA Canyons" in which the road has added one transparent top-most layer that reacts to dynamic changes of "Sol" weather. That way all of the original features of the road are preserved since it`s not replacement of the "main_roads.kn5".
Edit 07.02.2020 -...
----------------------version 3.00 040222 -------------------------
I highly recommend reading the manual and/or at least watching the tutorial video below. Really. I mean it. Installation is incredibly easy but you need to know what you have to do to set it up correctly.
RBR P.L.U.S. 3.00 -...