Spoon Inc. is a company based in Tokyo, Japan, which primarily focuses on producing tuning parts for Hondas. They also used to operate a racing team in various series, like Super Taikyu. Their custom-built cars are most recognizable from the iconic blue and yellow livery. One of their most...
This is a fictional SuperTaikyu livery for Nijisanji, a japanese Vtuber Group. All sponsors are real entities or Nijisanji investors.
This livery is for the TopRace Lexus RCF GT3, the car being classed as a ST-X in the championship.
This pack contains 3 liveries :
- The standard livery.
What is this? Replica livery for Hirix GDRT AMG team, not that accurate in terms the hexagonal shape in front, due eyeballing on the angle. And Pirelli on back position I move bit outside since if I use original position it will be problem.
But rest of it I can ensure you pretty accurate...
A replica from 2020 Super Taikyu ST-Z class entrant.
Extract to Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione/Customs/
In the game, you should find it under: Filter > Custom > Aston Martin Vantage GT4 > D'Station Racing
A replica from 2020 Super Taikyu ST-Z class entrant.
extract to Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione/Customs/
In the game, you should find it under: Filter > Custom > Mercedes AMG GT4 > TK Racing Invitation