pc simulators

  1. Billy Pilgrim

    Gfx cards in sli for triple screens - advice needed

    I have a four-year old pc with two gtx 780s in sli. It seems that one of the cards is giving up the ghost. :( So i'm looking at replacing them both with, maybe, two gtx 1070s. Or one 1080ti, or... It's all gonna cost a lot of money though. I play AC pretty much exclusively and into the future...
  2. Karstenve

    Triple Monitor Setup Options

    Hello everyone! I modified a reasonably cheap pc about a month ago. I normally play iRacing but i want to play rfactor2 to. At the moment my pc doesn't handle this. I now want to upgrade my pc. I really want to run triple monitor on iracing and if possible also on rf2. At the moment I have a...
  3. I

    Gallery of cars for Assetto Corsa, pictures, stats and videos by PC Simulators

    Gallery of cars for Assetto Corsa, pictures, stats and videos http://pcsimulators.org/index.php/cars-and-racing/assetto-corsa/assetto-corsa-cars-a-to-z