
  1. enanobo

    Cerro Bravo 0.1

    Welcome to Cerro Bravo, an 8 km public mountain pass, located in LatAm Colombia, part of the famous Alto de Letras. Cerro Bravo, starting in Delgaditas is a very technical and tricky road, which will scare the brave and punish the careless, but if you decide to learn it, it is a really fun and...
  2. D

    Flüela Pass (Switzerland)

    I present to you my work in progress version of the "Flüela Pass", located in the canton of Graubünden, Switzerland. Made with DEM data from the suisse government, sporting an near lidar styled accuracy of the terrain data.. Adding to an immersive feeling of your surroundings! Route: Davos to...
  3. F

    Touge Racing with Rankings (Wip)

    I started searching for a community, where i can race with others in touge battles. After some time of searching, i haven't found anything, that i like. So i just want to start my own community. If you're interested in driving with vanilla or modded cars, you're welcome! For now i try to gather...
  4. Wampa842

    Sleeping pills 1.0.4

    Over-the-counter sleep medication sold by Teimo for 2000 mk for a bottle, 10 pills per bottle. A pill will increase your fatigue by one third, and an invisible "overdose" meter, which decreases as time passes, by the same amount. If you overdose, you'll get the drunk effect and high stress you...