
  1. MJQT

    Miniville really final

    This. Is. Adorable. And creative. And well-made. And fun to drive. Sim racing for kids with a fantasy car in a fantasy city. But it's fun for adults too :inlove: Note that this download includes both a car AND a track, despite being in the "cars" download section. I had to do what I had to do...
  2. Paul Jeffrey

    Fun Factor: rFactor 2 Fun Night Racing the Miniville on Sat April 22nd

    RaceDepartment are pleased to present to you something... a little bit different! Introducing the return of our long lost friend... rFactor 2 fun nights! Fancy racing a cartoon? Well we have you covered! Nope you haven't clicked the wrong link, that tea didn't contain whisky and you haven't...