
  1. neoprenium

    Circuit de Lédenon 1.00

    NEOPRENIUM FR------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour à tous les Simracers ! Voici une convection du circuit de Lédenon rFactor vers rFactor 2 ! Si jamais, quelqu'un(e) se motive pour apporter des améliorations je suis preneur ^^. En...
  2. More Teasing in iRacing Development Update

    More Teasing in iRacing Development Update

    Just a day after teasing the circuit of Jerez on their Twitter account, iRacing came out with more juicy informations in an open letter to the community. The publication is quite lengthy and goes into extensive details about physics, so we'll focus on key points here. First, they claim the dev...
  3. zuno toto

    Ledenon - GrassFX, Light, Season, Extension track lighting, Add Extension 3.0

    Add GrassFX, Light, Season, Extension track lighting, Add Extension on Ledenon Track. Install unzip extension.zip in track folder If you already have an ext_config.ini file copy the content of my file into the already existing one Consider making a backup of your old file Tracks Ledenon -...