le 502

  1. Decinoge

    le 502 FX300 Assegai 1.0

    le 502 Wipeout Pure Assegai inspired livery. The archive contains 3 file sizes: 1024, 2048, 4096 (for the really close photos). Each size is inside a different folder of the archive. There is also 3 versions per size: clean, normal, rally. On the photo I'm showing: rally version @ 4096px...
  2. iancurtis

    Peugeot 205 T16 | Richard Burns | Group B 1.0

    Livery for Le 502 Installation - Copy the PNG-File into: Steam\steamapps\common\artofrally\artofrally_Data\StreamingAssets\Liveries\group b\le 502\ All liveries were made from scratch by my own - no conversion or copy. I don't mind if you modify the livery for your own use. Don’t modify...