
  1. Z

    General Failed to Launch the Race

    Ive been trying to play AC wit some homies but I keep getting hit with this Steam API error does anyone have A fix for this ive tried unistalling AC and reinstalling and verifying files but it seems nothing is working... even going into my firewall and allow controlled apps. PLEASE HELP :(
  2. B

    2022 GT World Challenge Australia Launch Racing 1.0

  3. Daniel Paez

    ALFA ROMEO SAUBER- Launch- HD 4K 1.0

    ALFA ROMEO SAUBER F1. Launch 0.9 HD 4K - Colours and Sponsors of Launch Day - Two Skins - Only Skins (Cars 9 and 16)
  4. BeefyPeeg

    Game Will Not Launch

    I have dug around through the forums on several sites, but cannot find a solution to this issue. I cannot get the game to launch. I click on "play" from my Steam library, the AMS logo pops up, followed quickly by a black screen. The black screen immediately disappears and nothing else happens...