
  1. Shummi2021

    Mods disappear after applying changes to physics or Tracks

    Hello everyone. I've come across a problem with rf2 . I want to make my own hdv physics in Rfactor 2 and it had been made properly , but when i put it into necessary folder after launching a game it rewrites to the previous original version of the physics and when i cease automatic updates and...
  2. F

    Tatuus F3-020 physics files

    Hi all, I would like to know if there is a way to get to the .hdv file for Tatuus F3-020 car. The vehicle folder shows two .mas files, one of which is encrypted an cannot be opened with a MAS utility tool. I presume the .hdv file is in there. Does anyone know of a way to get acces to the .hdv...