Hello guys,
I am back with another skin for the Ginetta G55 GT3 from Shaun Clarke. It is an Arizona-skin.
It of course is fictional because Arizona does not invest in any advertisment at all.
I know the design kinda is a meme by now but I still like it.
I intentionally did not add to many...
Hello guys,
This is my third skin ever and this time for the beautiful Ginetta G55 GT3
It is a fictional Fanta-sponsored skin.
I hope you enjoy it and give feedback.
Thank You and enjoy!!!
14 fantasy skins for the Ginetta GT3. Put them in the usual spot in your AC folder. program files\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\ginetta_g55_gt3/skins
This is my attempt at some skins. I made these just so I wasn't racing against a full orange field of cars while I sit patiently waiting for real painters to work their magic on the Ginetta GT3 by Shaun Clarke.
Just put these in the same folder as Shaun's default skin.