
  1. K

    FFB feeling with DD1 is so poor

    Hi, I have a Fanatec Podium DD1 since 10 days and I didn't yet find a decent set of settings for iRacing. I have installed last driver and last version of Fanalab, I have already tried to start from scratch, use other Podium users settings (from iRacing forum) as starting point, but I cannot...
  2. K

    I am so confused with Fanatec software/driver

    Hi, I have finally setup my cockpit (P1-X) and I eventually could test my Podium DD1 with BMW GT2 wheel and CSL Elite pedal with LC! I have used the suggested settings (Fanatec + in-game settings) from Fanatec forum for different games (iRacing, AC, ACC, F1 2019 and Dirt Rally 2) and I am quite...