
  1. M

    Is there a Verification for Wheels and pedals software available to download?

    Hey guys , I planning to host a an E-Race soon and i wanted to know if there is a software or a mod in project cars 2 or AC that can verify if the racer from home has a Wheel and A Pedal Connected to his computer or a controller. would appreciate your help guyz.
  2. nokanmov

    GT Sport Manufacturer Series - Video Stream Archive - BTBfin RACEsim

    FIA Gran Turismo Sport Mode Gr.4 Manufacturer Series 2019-02-16 Nürburgring GP - Hyundai Genesis Tags: #granturismosport #granturismo #sportmode #Nurburgring #NürburgringGP #Germany #GermanyRacing #virtualracing #esport #eSportRACING Round info...