
  1. Arno10

    Non transparent car glasses

    Hi guys, I'm not English but French so sentences won't be perfect. As a beginner, i need some little help please. I try to modify sponsor on rear and front car glass but after changing the main sponsor and save file in DXT.5 or DXT.3 or every other, every glasses turned black, i think it's...
  2. madmax_2a

    TheCozzieSR5_Ford Sierra RS Cosworth N6 Rally 4x4 GA Tour De Corse 1992 F.Delecour - D.Grataloup V1

    Hi all, When you look and download skins for any game, you have no idea how much time the person who did the livery spent with their photo editing software, so you have the right to not download the skins you looked at, but also think about the livery designer. A like only takes you a second...