
  1. kevink63

    Dragon Trail AI Revisions plus Background Images v2

    At the request of one of my colleagues, I revised the ai that I did for nobody for Dragon Trail. AI should be a little more aggressive through the chicane, hopefully without sacrificing safety. YMMV. I've submitted the update to nobody, but not sure if he will update anytime soon, so I'm...
  2. Creepsgesicht

    Assetto Corsa Splashscreen Pack 1.1

    Hey guys, I made a couple of AC splashscreens and wanted to share them with you. There are 62 loadingscreens included and all of them are 4k. I didn't make Screens for tracks located in the Pack from kelnor34 (exept for Kunos Tracks), so if you want to have Splashscreens for the most known...
  3. kelnor34

    AC 100 Screensplash (without overlay, except a logo) 2019-02-05

    Hello, Here is a bunch of Splashscreens for AC (100). CM & Shaders patch needed. Copy / Paste here: Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\backgrounds As exemple: WARNING... Into: assettocorsa\extension\config\splashscreen.ini\ Don't forget to set STRICT_SEARCH=0 Thx to x4fab and...
  4. kelnor34

    AC 100 Screensplash (with overlay) 2019-02-05

    Hello, First upload in RD: Here is a bunch of Splashscreens for AC (100). CM & Shaders patch needed. Copy / Paste here: Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\backgrounds as exemple: WARNING... Into: assettocorsa\extension\config\splashscreen.ini\ Don't forget to set STRICT_SEARCH=0...