
  1. asis

    Is there any option/possibility to remove audience from the tracks?

    Hello, Did Anyone can say something about removing the dummies audience (people) from the tracks ? Is there are some files with the audience people textures / models i can remove? I'ts annoying because lot of this models/textures/sprites of audiences looks terrible ;-)
  2. ReZ

    RIDE 2 RIDE 2

    Hello i will try to explain my method of importing tracks from other milestone games here. So far i managed to put tracks from VR46, MXGP2 and SLRE into Ride2 and now i wanna try to guide you through this process a good as possible. First you need the tools ...
  3. Wilco Dijk

    F1 2014 F1 2014 Audience/People beside the track?

    Hi everybody, is there a F1 2014 mod to have visitors (how do you call people the're watching beside the track)? Now i only see empty stands, i think it's cool to see a lot of people watching the cars on track..