Like the simple and foolproof aspect of Simhub, I even did install a left/right chairshaker. So now for AC, (I drive mostly the 1937 and 1967 open cars) I want to shift to the next project the Wind simulator using foolproof Simhub software.
I do not have any knowledge but I have noticed some use...
Hi! I've recently bought Arduino UNO and E36 cluster. I've connected it using one of tutorials on YT. Everything works fine and i'm very curious how to code other lights to use it with games using SIMHUB, for example: turn indicators, high beams, parking brake etc. How to do it and how hard is...
Hello, it's my first message, I've been watching for a long time.
I have a question Is it possible to connect TM1638 + 12 momentary pushbuttons with a single Arduino UNO R3?
sorry for my english