
  1. The First Onboard Cam In a F1 Race! | 1986 Australian Grand Prix | #assettocorsa

    The First Onboard Cam In a F1 Race! | 1986 Australian Grand Prix | #assettocorsa

    In 1986, during final race at Adelaide, one of the teams, like Lotus, are the first team to put a onboard camera inside Johnny Dumfries' turbo-powered Lotus-...
  2. THE FIRST LIVE ONBOARD CAMERA IN F1 | 1986 Lotus 98T | Adelaide | Johnny Dumfries Onboard

    THE FIRST LIVE ONBOARD CAMERA IN F1 | 1986 Lotus 98T | Adelaide | Johnny Dumfries Onboard

    [en]Virtual lap onboard Ayrton Senna's teammate, Johnny Dumfries' Lotus 98T at Adelaide. The race was remembered for the championship battle for Prost, Manse...
  3. Gregz0r

    Terra21's adelaide_1988: Cams, Kerbs & Sponsors for 1988-1995. 1.5

    Real F1 TV replay cameras for the adelaide_1988 AMS1 conversion, by Terra21. I’ve added an additional 1994/5 kerbs and sponsors folder, to go with the updated 1991 set. For 1994/5, I changed the colours of the kerbs from the default blue/white, to the yellow/red/yellow/blue, to more closely...
  4. NED4TG

    Adelaide 1988 Camtool2 TV Cam 1.2

    this camera need Camtool2: File location:assettocorsa\apps\python\CamTool_2\data Track: Hope you enjoy it!