Will BeamNG.drive Ever Leave Early-Access?

Cover Image.jpg
Image: BeamNG.com

Will BeamNG.drive Ever Release 1.0?

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After nine and a half years on Steam and eleven years since the first tech demo, BeamNG.drive has become one of Steam's most-played racing games. Despite this accolade, the game is still listed as Early-Access. Will we ever see BeamNG leave this state?

Editor's Note:
As an avid fan and player of BeamNG for over seven years, I do not think that the BeamNG we know and love today will be released in a 1.0 version. I believe that the game has a long way to go and will be fairly unrecognisable by the time it is ready to hit the shelves in full-release form.


Is there a racing update coming soon? Image: BeamNG.com

BeamNG has so many different and creative avenues and disciplines for driving and racing that there is no limit. This is a blessing for replayability, but a curse for ever fully releasing and finishing the sim. The racing and AI still need a lot of work, but what else is needed before BeamNG can be released?

Vulkan Implementation​

Vulkan is a low-overhead API that allows a balanced usage of CPU and GPU. It works especially well on multi-core CPUs and on BeamNG's bigger and more detailed maps like Utah and West Coast USA, Vulkan can drastically improve performance.

Vulkan reduces the load on your computer's CPU through the use of batching and low-level optimizations within BeamNG. This can greatly reduce the CPU's workload, leaving it free to do more processing or rendering than would otherwise be possible.

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DirectX11 comparison to Vulkan's performance. Image: BeamNG.com

The most important thing that Vulkan does is stabilising the game and allowing the sim able to run on lower-end systems. BeamNG is infamous for being difficult to run without a decently-specced PC, but the new Vulkan mode has made this better. This is the software that will power BeamNG into the future. However, for now, it is still in its experimental phase and with each major update the Vulkan mode gets more and more stable.

AI Improvements​

The AI in BeamNG has always been one of the most appreciated features within the title, but for the game to ever be released in 1.0 form the AI needs to be drastically improved. In their current form, the traffic is somewhat capable but lacks any form of common sense and the racing AI has been shelved for a couple of major updates now.

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AI Traffic in Utah. Image: BeamNG.com

The reality for BeamNG fully releasing for sim racers to enjoy is that the AI needs to be competent on track. The developers have made it clear in past releases that they are not interested in adding any sort of official multiplayer, so good AI racing is an absolute necessity for this section of the game to survive.

Whilst the lack of official multiplayer is a big hit for some sim racers, others love the idea and have been waiting patiently for years for the big racing update that BeamNG deserves.

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BeamNG's fantastic car selection spans road and race cars. Image: BeamNG.com

Will it ever happen?​

Overall, BeamNG is a very long way from being considered 'finished' if that is even possible. However, there is nothing to say that the game won't eventually be released in 1.0; especially with how innovative the game has been in the world of soft-body physics.

The game is loved and treasured by its community and development team, a full release is surely pencilled deep in the calendar. Just do not expect it anytime soon!

Do you think BeamNG will ever release version 1.0? Let us know in the poll above or the comments down below!
About author
Connor Minniss
Website Content Editor & Motorsport Photographer aiming to bring you the best of the best within the world of sim racing.


Its a breed all of its own, quite an incredible work and you can't fault the value of the initial purchase with all the content,expansion and development that has taken place over the years..

But I can't see all the loose ends being tidied up, even if they did bookend the development with a full release designation.

As to if they will ever do so? There is only one group of people with valid input into that question.

I can see an opportunity for some revenue by using the platform they have built to create smaller more focused games, But they are probably doing alright with the cash streams from Beam.ng.
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In today's time there's no concept of "early access", just a point at which the developers or publishers feel the game is "good enough that it could be abandoned if we want to and not feel bad about it".

No man sky shipped without being early access, and assetto corsa is a far cry now from what it was at release. When anything wrong with a game can be changed in due time and effort and games can be patched decades post-release as it happened with skullgirls and half life, the term means nothing.
They have no problem with revenue.

i rather they build new engine beside the old one.

Even open early access alpha Beam 2 :x3:
Because it is so popular I had to try BeamNG.
I do not understand the appeal, it is not for me.
That it is still in “early” access after so many years is just one of the aspect that elude me.
I am an avid AC player but with the constant additions and changes I certainly understand that it is not for some players who prefer a less hands on experience, with a more stable offer. But, to me, AC with all the ever evolving CSP is easy peasy compare to BeamNG.
BeamNG is probably too modern for me, but it’s popularity is huge, proof once more, if it ever was needed, that what we call “SIM racing” has a thousand ever changing faces with no right or wrong, with just what we enjoy as a compass.
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Because it is so popular I had to try BeamNG.
I do not understand the appeal, it is not for me.
That it is still in “early” access after so many years is just one of the aspect that elude me.
I am an avid AC player but with the constant additions and changes I certainly understand that it is not for some players who prefer a less hands on experience, with a more stable offer. But, to me, AC with all the ever evolving CSP is easy peasy compare to BeamNG.
BeamNG is probably too modern for me, but it’s popularity is huge, proof once more, if it ever was needed, that what we call “SIM racing” has a thousand ever changing faces with no right or wrong, with just what we enjoy as a compass.

I was the same. And largely still am - I think it appeals to the messing around for a few hours gamers, which is fine.

Having said this, I found Lakeside Park Raceway (it's a track from here in Queensland, Aus) and in that there's an autotest track - which I've been to an event at (watching a mate). I made a few adjustments so it wasn't a circuit as such, just a single loop time trial... and then took a Caterham analogy around it. That was a lot of fun actually.

Would I buy it again, assuredly not. I don't have the time/inclination to make it the game it could be - both in things like the above or configuring the DD1 to not try and kill me. But it is still installed, so there's that.
That's the whole point of the game: being constantly unfinished, evolving all the time, experimenting new things... It really is a brillant project, incredibly fun and allowing tons of creativity. The integration of such physics in more "mainstream" games could be a real game changer in the future.
In today's time there's no concept of "early access", just a point at which the developers or publishers feel the game is "good enough that it could be abandoned if we want to and not feel bad about it".

No man sky shipped without being early access, and assetto corsa is a far cry now from what it was at release. When anything wrong with a game can be changed in due time and effort and games can be patched decades post-release as it happened with skullgirls and half life, the term means nothing.

Thanks for making my post a lot smaller than I was going to make...

Early Access to me shows that the company wants to continue to improve the product and knows it's not anywhere near a finished polished state... It's a marketing technique that is rooted in a shared understanding that the game is not complete...

BeamNG will leave early access when the developers have it closer to their vision of what a complete game is...
Does it really matter whether it comes out of early access or not?

The fact is there are so many people having so much fun with BeamNG that the early access status of it doesn't matter one bit, and being early access means that the game is under constant development and improvement instead of simply being "bug fixed"

I have a couple of other excellent games in my library that I don't believe will ever really come out of early access - Ravenfield (early access for 7 years now) and Nebulous Fleet Command, but it doesn't matter because I've had so much fun with them, and every update brings something new.

Sometimes its more about the journey than the destination.
it's also hard to build forever something on top of an older base.
At some point you need to move on to newer technologies, engine, etc.

seeing the variety of content so far, i'm curious how a 1.0 could look like
That does not have to mean you need to build everything from scratch.
Why build a completely new engine, chances are the new engine will perform worse and will be full of bugs.
A line of code from 10 years ago is not much different than what you would write nowadays.
Still the same tech + some extensions.
Unlike most early access games, Beam appears to be competent enough to function as is, and is (as far as I have seen) not a buggy mess that is barely held together. As such, I hope it doesn't "leave early access" since that would probably mean less development.

Speaking more realistically about it, I think it would probably cease development in five to ten years since I expect it will die off in popularity somewhat by that point.
I think we need a new designation, something like experimental long term, or other.
There are a lot of titles now that are more of an open platform that's constantly being developed and supported that will never have a truly finished state because it's not the nature of what they are.
I don't even know what a finished Beamng would be?
They could leave this is perpetual early access and just make off shot games based on what's being developed in Beamng.
Who knows...

But would it even mean anything at all (legal/technical/other) to remove the Early Access badge from a game that has had it for so many years?

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Connor Minniss
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