Work On Le Mans Ultimate Will Continue As Motorsport Games Talks To Potential Investors

Images: Motorsport Games / Studio 397
Sim racers were concerned about the future of Le Mans Ultimate in the light of recent news regarding redundancies and a potential sale of Motorsport Games. MSG CEO Stephen Hood talks about the immediate future of the company.

Employees being made redundant and the possibility of the company being sold - Motorsport Games and Studio 397 had it rough recently, with many sim racers wondering about the future of Le Mans Ultimate as a result. The official WEC game is the only title the company is actively working on, and its 2024 content is not yet complete.

This led to some sim racers fearing that work on LMU would be halted following the recent layoffs, which led to MSG downsizing by about 40%. However, the scenario of no one being left to actually work on the game that some have painted does not come into play, as Motorsport Games CEO Stephen Hood told OverTake.

"Some of the more junior people were let go, but the core team we got now is quite tight", Hood explained. "We looked at what we needed to deliver - the GT3 cars, tracks, a version 1.0 - and the people who are still here are capable of doing that. We have to deliver these, because we were positively shocked by how many players bought the season pass. We thought it would be 5 or 8, maybe 15, but not almost 50% of all DLC sales."


Keeping The Lights On​

This meant that the short-term mission for Motorsport Games and Studio 397 - which can basically be used as synonyms at this point as Hood pointed out again that MSG is essentially just S397 now - is to keep the lights on for Le Mans Ultimate. They also want to give the game a chance at a future: Hood confirmed that MSG is indeed in talks with potential investors.

A cash injection or full acquisition by one of said potential investors would allow LMU to grow further after the aforementioned content and updates have been delivered. But to set up the company for this, head count had to be reduced to balance the company's expenses and revenues. "In my mind, it's the final piece of this painful, uncomfortable puzzle of cleaning up the business ahead of investment or acquisition, because nobody wants to carry the extra weight. They want to get it under control, make sure the wheel is turning, and then grow strategically", Hood stated.

That does not mean that laying off people was an easy thing to do, as Hood continued: "First and foremost, I apologize to those individuals that were affected. None of those individuals who were let go I ever wanted to say goodbye to. We are very conscious about the impact that it has." Hood also underscored that they were not the ones who made the mistakes that led to this situation.


"We massively effed up with NASCAR 21"​

Hence, he also understands their frustration. After leaving the company in January 2022, Hood was brought back as CEO in 2023, "and everybody looked to me in a way of "Steve can come back, wave the magic wand - that I don't have - and save the business. It doesn't always work like that. We tried to make the right decisions to put the company back on the right track, but the numbers did not add up", recalls Hood. "We massively effed up with NASCAR 21: Ignition, and our communications after that were not good."

In short, MSG's mistakes from a few years ago still haunt the company to this day, eventually leading to this downsizing to give the company, Studio 397 and Le Mans Ultimate a chance to keep on going. Now, the focus is on doing things properly, as Hood repeatedly emphasized.

And that also means that "we're not going to turn up the servers and say subscriptions are the only way you can play LMU online now. That would be the Motorsport Games of old", Hood addressed a concern of many sim racers when subscriptions were first talked about. "We need to turn the page. And we are working day and night to turn this page."

Le Mans Virtual "On Pause", No Change To rFactor 2 Plans​

Another result of this is that Le Mans Virtual is on hold for now, although Hood still hopes to get the series and official Le Mans 24 Hours event back on the grid in early 2025. "We will do that once we have an investor or a new owner on board. Until then, it is on pause - it would be the wrong approach for driving revenue right now", Hood states. "We would love to do it again, but at the right time."

Meanwhile, plans for rFactor 2 have not changed - not that there were any plans to do more with it before the redundancies. "It was either rFactor 3 or a Le Mans game", Hood looks back. "We were not working on rFactor 2 anymore, so that plan has not changed." Indeed, one could argue that the last really bigger update hit rF2 in October 2023 when the RaceControl online system was implented, which is now also present in Le Mans Ultimate.

Keeping an eye on the path of Motorsport Games, Studio 397 and Le Mans Ultimate certainly is going to be one of sim racing's very interesting storylines to follow as 2024 draws to a close. We will of course keep you updated on what is happening!

What are you hoping for regarding Le Mans Ultimate's future? Let us know in the comments below and join the discussion in our Le Mans Ultimate forum!
About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D


All that rF2 fanbois are achieving with this attitude of theirs is putting themselves on other people's ignore lists.

Back to what matters: hopefully this will get bought or funded by somebody who cares, and the journey will continue.
1- MSG dug their own grave, it's all their fault and in a way they deserve what's happening. Don't blame the community for not wanting to give money to this mess of a company. At this point most people will just refuse to buy anything from MSG and I understand them perfectly.

2 - Better a Full game with not so special physics than those laboratory never-ending mediocre projects based on the rFactor engine that we have been constantly bombarded with since the early 2000s.

Is do a high-end physics model easier than code a native championship mode? apparentely for Studio397 is.. and them the "5 people group" here don't get why not only the casual playerbase but even the hardcore moved away from those games. I can say by myself but I belive that it also relates to a big number of people here: We're just tired of being laboratory rats, do a freaking full game for once!!
I agree with your 1st point 100% ... it's their own fault.. poor decisions have been made even pre MSG .

AC disproves your number 2 .. AC one of the most successful games yet it still remains the most unfinished game in this space... People care for two things... decent physics and great graphics... AC fills that better than any other sim.

I rather have the ultimate physics and FFB over a so your idea of what a full game is.

I hope they manage to get themselves out this mess, although doesn't look very promising. They started trying to steer this ship correctly 3 years too late IMO.
having said that I bought the Season Pass and will continue to support this game/studio as it gives me the best I driving satisfaction of any sim currently on the market .... and that's all I want.

Personally I don't care how bad their financials are ... that's their top management teams problem to solve..
RF2 sure held on for dear life long enough, for many years with terrible graphics, terrible UI, and overall incomplete game that ran like crap, however, just having a cult of followers who bit on the myth of "aMaZiNgEd pHysIcS" wasn't enough and you had to actually make a sim.

It's not the fault of MSG. This game is done. Has been done for the last 6 years. That's why it was sold in the first place. That's why they sold DLC's for ridiculous prices. That's why they reskinned and broke the physics and resold it under a new name "LMU". It didn't work. Next guy won't make something crazy out of it. It will go on half dead just like it has for the past 10 years.

There are still some clingy fanatics of this game who are ready to wait another 10 years where they hope they will get their time under the sun and in the meanwhile constantly talk down on other sims, instead of "having the time of their life" playing such incredible god tier thingymagic. As seen in pretty much any AC Evo thread. But that isn't going to be any help to the game itself.
So where is the actual money at ?

Implement grid girls finally. And set up their AI based fan donation support websites.

Have virtual paid tires. And penalize/monetize fixing cars damage and replacing parts. Fuel. People will love immersion. Make it all cheap enough so it would get bought a lot. Watch accidents in virtual races decrease by 95%.

Monetize extra upgrades. Graphical and physical.

Monetize cooler helmets, driver clothes, models, shoes, gloves.... A beautiful girl driver 3D model that also subtracts 30kg from total car mass - 1000creds.

Have unique virtual limited cars chassies - an actual worth having NFT.

Paid community forum posts (just free for support). 10posts = 1cred. Watch stupid poorly thought out and trolling posts going away.

Gated modding access. You want your mod to be enabled in game, so you could do work on it and have it being recognized so it actually launches - 1euro. Want your mod to go public (being accessible from multiple computers) for free - 20cred. Want to sell your mod - 50% share to game owners. Watch modding go clean. Want your mod to use real branding without licensing - sorry, no.

Paid standing out characters along your nick name.

Organize an online racing system in a clever way, where you can get creds (simulator currency). Watch people actually participate very much.

I agree with your 1st point 100% ... it's their own fault.. poor decisions have been made even pre MSG .

AC disproves your number 2 .. AC one of the most successful games yet it still remains the most unfinished game in this space... People care for two things... decent physics and great graphics... AC fills that better than any other sim.

I rather have the ultimate physics and FFB over a so your idea of what a full game is.

I hope they manage to get themselves out this mess, although doesn't look very promising. They started trying to steer this ship correctly 3 years too late IMO.
having said that I bought the Season Pass and will continue to support this game/studio as it gives me the best I driving satisfaction of any sim currently on the market .... and that's all I want.

Personally I don't care how bad their financials are ... that's their top management teams problem to solve..
AC is a different beast.. It's a mod paradise.. You want to race dinossaurs at Nurburgring? well... you can.

Also, the community did things the devolpers don't, like the free roam and rain.

Take the modding capacity out and the game would be dead for like 5 years at this point. No one plays the vanilla game since ages.
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Sorry ......err in your opinions you forgot to mention ?

ISIMotor has always had always will have the best physics .......for mine.

No studio other then ISI could even produce dynamic AI.
That is NOT a opinion but FACT

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Wait, when did MSG just "silently" merge into being S397? Does this mean that it's instead S397 that's looking for a new owner/new investors, or is that MSG?
AC is a different beast.. It's a mod paradise.. You want to race dinossaurs at Nurburgring? well... you can.

Also, the community did things the devolpers don't, like the free roam and rain.

Take the modding capacity out and the game would be dead for like 5 years at this point. No one plays the vanilla game since ages.
but that's the thing... on one hand you are fine with people beating on MSG for an incomplete game (yet LMU in it's current state it's far more complete then AC is)... you are just showing your double standards. FYI I only have the vanilla game installed... not that bothered by the extra graphic bling these mods bring.Personally I rather play ACC /LMU or rf2. At the same time although not a hug AC fan I'm looking forward to what ACE will bring.

I hope they are able to get out of this mess and re-ignite the rFactor series with and update like ACE.
Plus sims are hobby not an investment.
RF2 sure held on for dear life long enough, for many years with terrible graphics, terrible UI, and overall incomplete game that ran like crap, however, just having a cult of followers who bit on the myth of "aMaZiNgEd pHysIcS" wasn't enough and you had to actually make a sim.

It's not the fault of MSG. This game is done. Has been done for the last 6 years. That's why it was sold in the first place. That's why they sold DLC's for ridiculous prices. That's why they reskinned and broke the physics and resold it under a new name "LMU". It didn't work. Next guy won't make something crazy out of it. It will go on half dead just like it has for the past 10 years.

There are still some clingy fanatics of this game who are ready to wait another 10 years where they hope they will get their time under the sun and in the meanwhile constantly talk down on other sims, instead of "having the time of their life" playing such incredible god tier thingymagic. As seen in pretty much any AC Evo thread. But that isn't going to be any help to the game itself.
Ever seen DLC from other games? 20 euro for a fantasy skin on your gun is no exception.
And zillions of people pay this (i know they are crazy).
But if you see the time, license money and effort that goes in most simracing DLC's I would all of them consider cheap. We do not play mainstream games here. But a niche within a niche.
Nobody is waiting for simcade titles here.
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but that's the thing... on one hand you are fine with people beating on MSG for an incomplete game (yet LMU in it's current state it's far more complete then AC is)... you are just showing your double standards. FYI I only have the vanilla game installed... not that bothered by the extra graphic bling these mods bring.Personally I rather play ACC /LMU or rf2. At the same time although not a hug AC fan I'm looking forward to what ACE will bring.

I hope they are able to get out of this mess and re-ignite the rFactor series with and update like ACE.
Plus sims are hobby not an investment.
I never said that I was ok with how empty the vanilla AC is, much for the contrary, if was not for the mods AC would be my worst buy of all time.

What I said is that the community did what Kunos don't and transformed it in a full package worth of play/own. - And this cannot be related to LMU, is a night/day situation.

If AC don't had support for mods, would have already been forgotten and would not be even close to the success it is.

If Studio397 keeps putting all their eggs in minor details and forget to actually do a video game and not an science project, will fail as failed with the rFactor 2.

I mean, they can try to survive selling copies of their science projects for "Durge Driven" , but they probably will run out of money. :sleep:
Good news they continue!

Please guys, support the developers!

Maybe simracing community should start crowdfunding to help them.

The so-called simracing community would rather see their thousand dollars gear as useful as a brick than doing that. sim racing is kind of ****ed in the long term with sims requiring so much money to develop for am ungrateful niche audience that is never stafisfied with their never ending crazy high expectations. Only iRacing has a treasure chest to do whatever they want in the long term.
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I've just tried reading through this thread and it's given me a headache. Some people have either taken too many drugs today or had too much fizzy pop.

Fighting over a video game is genuinely pathetic. I like rf2 (btcc because well they did it well and I'm a massive btcc fan and porsche carrera cup mostly). I also like LMU and if the DLC was to continue coming then I will buy it because it's a sim that I enjoy. But then bugs and issues don't bother me in the slightest. I started off sim racing back with grand prix 4 (which installing mods for was like programming a rocket and f1c 99-02 ).

Like I've said in the past personally had no issues with LMU since I bought it. Same with rF2.

This thread is prime example of people sticking their noses in other people's business when they have no interest in it other than to cause trouble. This whole forum has gone downhill so much. Back when it started half the bs that happens in these threads would have earned people bans.
Good news they continue!

Please guys, support the developers!

Maybe simracing community should start crowdfunding to help them.
ACC was the last time I supported a developer. Prior to that it was a case of buying sims to 'help the industry' but then ACC couldn't fix the vr, so i couldn't use it and I kept buying its DLC to keep supporting them. I still couldn't use the sim.
Since then I only buy once they have the features and my hope is that they will not take for granted that people will buy anything in this space but they will buy good products in this space.
LMU was never an honest attempt at a game. It was a hailmary, a copy pasta rf2, to try to save the company, and they did it because people are dumb enough to fall for it. People were warned multiple times on this forum and ignored it, and by the looks of it, some are still falling for it.

Wait til the fanatics go through the states of denial when they figure out that AC Evo is The Crew mixed with GT7.

I gotta be honest ... i am looking forward to it.
I never said that I was ok with how empty the vanilla AC is, much for the contrary, if was not for the mods AC would be my worst buy of all time.

What I said is that the community did what Kunos don't and transformed it in a full package worth of play/own. - And this cannot be related to LMU, is a night/day situation.

If AC don't had support for mods, would have already been forgotten and would not be even close to the success it is.

If Studio397 keeps putting all their eggs in minor details and forget to actually do a video game and not an science project, will fail as failed with the rFactor 2.

I mean, they can try to survive selling copies of their science projects for "Durge Driven" , but they probably will run out of money. :sleep:
Still LMU is far more completed game than AC . Sure LMU is not complete as it should/could be but it's as complete most games most out there.(you making the claim its due to incomplete game not me)

Durge is stating a view many others share... Personally I rather have one LMU game than 10 AC's like games... For some driving experience is paramount... and that’s where LMU shines above the rest.... All you one has to do is fire it up. Some may prefer arcade or semi arcade game that is fine ... but doesn't necessarily mean he is wrong either. Just difference preferences. Not sure why you or anyone would have issue with that...

At it's current price LMU is a barging and for anyone that doesn't own I suggest you try it and judge for yourself instead of readin a lot of nonsense that gets posted here...

IMO rF2 may have felled commercially... (not sure as it seem some people still made $ out of it)... it's been sold twice, used as a base for a few games/sims... and from a pure my point of view the Best Sim till LMU came around.
LMU was never an honest attempt at a game. It was a hailmary, a copy pasta rf2, to try to save the company, and they did it because people are dumb enough to fall for it. People were warned multiple times on this forum and ignored it, and by the looks of it, some are still falling for it.

Wait til the fanatics go through the states of denial when they figure out that AC Evo is The Crew mixed with GT7.

I gotta be honest ... i am looking forward to it.
Wait isn't LMU 50/50 join venture with the WEC... Plus clearly not a copy paste... PC1/PC2/AMS/AC1/ACC/rF2/LMU... imo they have similar progression... They all take what existed prior and improve/add to it. But none re-invented the wheel... and I would bet ACE will share some stuff from AC and ACC... no one is expecting anything else. The whole point in software engineering is write once and re-use multiple times... if you are not doing that you clearly not very good at it.

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Yannik Haustein
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