How to Drive Le Mans Ultimate in VR

How to run Le Mans Ultimate in VR.jpg
Images: Motorsport Games
As part of its most recent update, Le Mans Ultimate has rolled out a VR beta mode. Here is how to activate virtual reality in-game and what you can expect.

Image credit: Studio-397

Virtual Reality is perhaps the closest many of us will ever get to racing real cars on real circuits. That is even more true when the cars in question are some of the most advanced sportscar racing prototypes ever seen.

But sadly, the official FIA World Endurance Championship game, Le Mans Ultimate does not currently have full, official VR support. In its Early Access development stage, the rendering view has been shuffled lower down the priorities list.

However, as part of the title’s most recent update alongside content such as the final 2024 Hypercars and the Circuit of the Americas, Studio-397 has launched beta access to VR for Le Mans Ultimate. Where previous VR access was limited to simple in-car driving, you now get menu screens, HUD and other creature comforts.

How to Launch LMU in VR​

As aforementioned, accessing Le Mans Ultimate in VR has always been possible. But this required a great deal of back-and-forth settings changes. Thankfully, that is no longer a requirement thanks to this pre-beta rollout of Virtual Reality in LMU.

Now, just one small change before launching the game in Steam will provide you with a VR experience:
  • Step 1: Right click on Le Mans Utimate in Steam and select Properties
  • Step 2: In General => Launch Options enter “+VR”
  • Step 3: Launch LMU in VR

Add +VR to the Steam launch options to play Le Mans Ultimate in VR.

Add "+VR" to the Steam launch options to play Le Mans Ultimate in VR.

Previously, playing Le Mans Ultimate in Virtual Reality would not render the game’s menu screen UI, nor the HUD. However, you can now control everything you need to from your headset, even entering races.

How to Re-Centre VR view in Le Mans Ultimate

Take a stroll through Le Mans Ultimate’s Control Settings menu and you will notice an inexistence of VR-related bindings. In fact, resetting your position for example is one thing you currently cannot do. Officially that is.

Here is how to map a VR head position re-centre button for Le Mans Ultimate.
  • Step 1: Set a control in-game on your keyboard that you do not plan on using ad close the game
  • Step 2: Open “keyboard.json” in “Le Mans Ultimate/UserData/Player”
  • Step 3: Search for the control you mapped earlier
  • Step 4: Replace the binding name with “VR : Re-center head position”
Your input for re-centring VR should look like this.

Your input for re-centring VR should look like this. In my case, key 29 is Left Ctrl. Image credit: Studio-397

You can also bind the control to your wheel. In this case, instead of your keyboard file, open the file relating to your specific input device.

Is it any good?​

When we last gave Le Mans Ultimate a go in VR, we found the act of driving in-game with the headset strapped on an enjoyable experience. The game is already immersive and in VR, that is only improved.

But without a HUD, the game aspect was far from present. Racing itself was impossible as navigating the pit menu is rather crucial to longer races and the odd bug, frame freeze or stutter did not inspire confidence for online sprint racing.

Race Le Mans in VR.jpg

Line up for your first VR session in Le Mans Ultimate. Image credit: Studio-397

Now though, with the HUD fully in-view, one can realistically take part in longer events against the AI with good results. There is no denying that the on-screen display itself is quite large and out-of-view to the left and right. It also blends into the car’s 3D model at times. But for a beta release, it does the job.

For online use, we would recommend drastically dropping graphical settings in case of stutters. You do not want to impact that hard-earned Safety Rating after all. Indeed, we did experience the odd frame drop and graphical glitch at times.

Have you tried Le Mans Ultimate in VR yet? What do you make of the experience? Let us know in the comments.
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


Has anyone been able to assign a button to get the recenter VR working, everytime I open the direct input.json file and edit the file with the “VR : Re-center head position” script when in-game it does nothing and when I then check the direct input.json file it had reverted back to its original state and the “VR : Re-center head position” script it nop were to be seen, if some one has managed to get this working could you please post here how you did it :)
You’ve got to bind it to a keyboard key and then update the keyboard.json file
Yeah but I'm trying to bind it to my CSL DD wheel?

Use joy2key :coffee:

Just need to work out mapping to match your particular wheel.
If you can't find mapping then just set one button at a time to take a screenshot,
when you hit the right button you will know. Process of elimination.


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I tried to map it to my wheel but it didn’t work regardless of which button I used. Worked first time when I mapped it to my keyboard
Yeah but I have CSL DD and I use joytokey to map a few things on my wheel/s and dash, so ..... ;)

When you config j2k buttons ( FIRST CONFIGURATION) # 1 does not equal button #1 , you may have to set every button to find your first match.

Once you know the order J2K maps your wheel write it down for reference.

Screenshot 2024-10-01 083030.png

My method:
I put a sim in a small window.
I run Bandicam to take screenshot as it's FPS readout will flash from green to yellow.
I then just go through every J2K button from the first to last selecting the key I have set Bandicam image capture to.

Eventually one of the buttons will make the FPS counter in the sim flash yellow ;)
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For the life of me I can't get it to work either with the direct input.json or with the keyboard.json but files revert back to their original state 🤷‍♀️
There is no need to use JoyToKey to get this working. It works fine without it on my GT DD Pro, which is the similar to a CSL DD I think. The first time I tried, I had the same issue and the direct input.json file reverted back somehow. Second time I added the VR center entry as a last entry in the button mapping and it worked.
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Just had to re-visit this post after spending a whopping 5 minutes (including mapping a center VR key) to dial in VR for LMU and gotta say......"Official" or otherwise it works great for me!

I suppose alot of our initial VR experience will depend on the myriad of headsets, GPU´s, CPU´s etc etc that we each are trying to dial in but if ya have the magic combo it can be pretty cool. Even at this "beta" stage.

I should mention that I´m lucky enough to have both triples and a Quest 3 and I´m NOT the dude preaching one over the other cos I have fun in both.

Nor am I inclined to spew trash ( you know who you are) in this or any other simracing forum so.....despite some wonky artifacts and a bit of shimmering on chainlink fences (which I could give a rats ass about at 200mph) LMU works fine in VR.

Nutshell: Ditch Steam VR and use OpenXr/Opencomposite, spend 5 minutes tweaking or....wait 6 months to do that anyway ;-)


I spent about an hour or two last night getting OpenXr/OpenComposite working on all my sims and they are working great, just to figure out the VR center on LMU now, and thanks to everyone in this form I will 👍
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There is no need to use JoyToKey to get this working. It works fine without it on my GT DD Pro, which is the similar to a CSL DD I think. The first time I tried, I had the same issue and the direct input.json file reverted back somehow. Second time I added the VR center entry as a last entry in the button mapping and it worked.
Hi pcraenme, can you be a little more specific about where you put the VR center entry
Do you mean the last entry in the direct input.json file and if so can you show me please :D
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Tried VR again with with msaa all settings as high as they can go. Using a pimax Crystal I had reduce the resolution slightly to get a solid 72fps.

Games looks 20 years old in VR. I’m not sure if this can be improved as I assume optimisation is more about performance. It’s fugly for life :laugh:
There is no need to use JoyToKey to get this working.

I never said you did ;)

The thing is if you run multi sims you can make a joy2key profile for each and select when you boot sim ;)

I mean that is what it is made for, allocating and saving multiple keystrokes.

If you have dozens of keystrokes between 10 sims how do you manage them all ?
Along with that assignments are getting out of control, more and more you have to be a octopus.
So for someone with limited buttons joy2key is invaluable, imho :coffee:
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Another benefit to using Joy2Key is being able to leave all in-game keybinds set to default. For games with many keybinds, this means if you have to reinstall, you don't have to go back and redo all your keybinds because Joy2Key has them all bound to defaults. Just set your axis and off you go. VoiceAttack and Joy2Key are right up there as 2 of my favorite apps.

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Angus Martin
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